Shed into Coop

That is a GREAT building! Has great bones! Look through the coop builds here... they give great ideas on interiors and how things should be placed. As for you ventilation.... add some vents above the windows and maybe the door,at the roof, if you feel necessary. I would probably add one above the windows anyway.
This is what we ended up with so far! First night in the coop tonight! Thanks for the advice!


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I prefer the concrete floor. I add pine shavings to my coop, and do the deep litter method. Every week during the summer I add dry grass clippings, during the fall, I had pine straw or hay 1x a week. After 6mo, the bedding is broken down to a power like consistency. This is then cleaned out, and I start over.
As for the nest boxes, I have found the external boxes to be a novelty. I go inside the coop everyday anyways, so there was really no need for it. If I could start over, I would have built my coop with the nest boxes on the inside.
The eve vents on your coop add great ventilation. My eve vents are approx. 4"x12" covered in hardware cloth. I'm a firm believer in ridge vents when possible, It adds full length ventilation on the coop.
We went with the pine shavings, for now, to see how it goes! And we also put the nesting boxes inside because it is very easy to walk into the coop and access them that way. Still a work in progress!


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that's a tough one on where to put the nesting boxes. If it were me I would try and make it so the boxes are being supported by the studs of the building, but actually hovering in the air lower than the concrete blocks. Does that make sense :confused: ??

Does it get cold there in the winter? If it does I would maybe considering getting at least 4 more chickens so that they can stay warmer :D

Bedding- In the past I've used sand in the summer and just sifted through it with rake to gather droppings. I've also used pine shavings and straw. In my opinion pine shavings soak up more moisture and therefore have to be cleaned/new added to more frequently. With the size of that building, I would probably consider using straw. Both do their job so there's not really a wrong answer! Good luck!
Hers is what we have so far! The nesting boxes can be changed and we still have a while before they start laying! We are starting with the shavings because that is what we have right now, but open to trying straw too! Thanks!


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@6chicks1coop and @bufforpington42
Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
It's easy to do, and then it's always there!
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We are in south jersey! It's getting warmer here at night so we put them out there tonight! In the winter we are thinking of adding some insulation in the eves of the roof! Thanks for the help!

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