Shelf life of eggs

The USDA will allow eggs to be sold up to 60 days. But the USDA allows a lot of things that are not really good for us.

Mine are either fresh from the chickens when I use them or if I boil them, I let them sit in the refrigerator for about a week or so as they are easier to peel.

anyone else??
From Mother Earth News:

"Eggs refrigerated in a sealed container will last for about seven months. Their whites may become somewhat runny but smell and taste will remain good. Start with the freshest eggs available, of course, and don't wash the bloom off - that will increase the porosity of the shell."
I don't refrigerate my eggs. On a cool kitchen counter they can remain as fresh as newly laid for up to about 6 weeks.

In the fridge they can lst 6 months or more.

Think about how people preserved their eggs in the days prior to electricity and every home having an ice box. They packed them in saw dust and kept them in a cool cellar for months. They also used a lime water solution for storage.

Eggs are far tougher little things than we given them credit for. Growing up with all the USDA food recommendation and requirements has really caused us to look at food in a different way than our ancestors.

Eggs are not like milk and they won't go bad on you in 7 - 10 days. I have no clue why people treat them as if they are a dairy product.
Thanks for sharing, Oblio. I have been wondering the same thing. Thanks to all of good advice on setting up my coop. I don't seem to be getting the poopy eggs anymore so I don't have to wash them. Of course, I can also just feed those to the piggies.

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