shell-less I doing something wrong?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
yesterday after work I noticed that one of my hens was quiet and isolated from the rest of the group, she was standing still for a long time and as I approached her she squatted and laid an egg right in the middle of the yard. She immediate turned around and pecked at has a really under developed, soft shell so it broke open as soon as she pecked, so I went over and got the egg before she eat it (I don't want any egg eaters).

I noticed she was still really isolated, she would only take a few steps and stand still, she was clenching her backside, it looked like she needed to Poop. I felt really bad because she kept closing her eyes and trying...then a completely shell less egg came out, it looked like clear poop and then a yolk pops out.

she kept pushing till she got it all out and now she seems to be acting normal but her butt looks a little messy. Is it possible for a hen to get pasty butt? what causes an shell-less egg? this is the only time this has happened, could It be the weather- its been rainy and dark... or is it their food, they free range they can eat anything in addition to their feed, is there something I should do differently? It seems strange to get 2 abnormal eggs from the same chicken within 10 minutes of each other. could one have cause the other?

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