Shell-less Egg Laid on Patio


6 Years
Mar 10, 2016
SE Pennsylvania
I went outside yesterday to find my Amercauna (14 months old) laid a yolk and egg whites on the patio. No shell. She was just going about her business and then there was egg on the patio! She is acting healthy, active, eating/drinking normally and hanging out with the other hens. She laid a normal egg the day before.

Can someone tell me why this happens?

I do not really know but one time one of my chickens laid a squishy egg and Berber laid another one and is still pretty heathy.
What do you feed them?
It could be she is not getting enough calcium.
Do you offer oyster shells on the side, not mixed in with the feed?

It could just be a glitch....It does happen sometimes.

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