Shell less egg?


6 Years
Nov 2, 2013
I had my first shell less egg yesterday. After a few days of getting 5/6 when before it was a solid 6/6 a day with a hen taking a day off here and there. But not for 5 days strait. Then in on the poop pile under a roost, lay a shell less egg?!?! Then the next morning back to 6/6 with one being very light colored almost a creamy white, not mid brown like the rest?!?! Out of all 6 of my golden comet hens one does lay a light brown compaired to my others. Anyone have any input on this or advice? Should I be worried? I just figured it was a hiccup in the egg routine and not to worried about it. Yet!
As long as it's not happening every day, a shell-less egg should just be considered an weird, but harmless event. Over the years I've found some incredibly strange eggs in the nest boxes, but they are, like you said, only a hiccup in the egg routine, and nothing to worry about. Only if a hen is consistently laying shell-less eggs would I be worried that something is wrong.
As long as it's not happening every day, a shell-less egg should just be considered an weird, but harmless event. Over the years I've found some incredibly strange eggs in the nest boxes, but they are, like you said, only a hiccup in the egg routine, and nothing to worry about. Only if a hen is consistently laying shell-less eggs would I be worried that something is wrong.

Thanks for that, I will not be to worried about it, they eat a good crumble mix and I even mix in oats and cracked corn to give them a little more to peck at. I dont think their calcium is low as the shells are always much harder to crack than store bought eggs and even seem a lot thicker. Thanks again and hope you had a wonderful christmas!

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