She's never gonna lay!


14 Years
Apr 2, 2010
Sullivan, IL
One of my EE (the one in my avatar), Merna, I swear is never gonna lay an egg. She's been squatting for both me and my husband practically every time she sees us for almost two whole weeks now. Yesterday she was "singing" her head off inside the coop. And today she spent 40 minutes in the nest box and was otherwise in and out of the nest boxes all day. I was for sure I would get an egg from her today. But, nothing! I think she's just trying to make me crazy.
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Oh, it sounds like you are sooo close to getting an egg from her!
I said the same about my EE on December 19th. That afternoon she spent an hour in the box.

Next day it popped out!

I bet she'll lay tomorrow!
We got our three Welsumers last fall and they were supposed to be around 15-20 weeks old and ready to lay. So far no eggs from them yet but I blame that on the winter weather,it just seems to delay the first eggs sometime. I have noticed a couple of them watching the other hens in the nests and trying to sing the egg song.

Don't worry,when the time is right your girls will start laying!

I know she's close. She's so close I can practically taste it! Her hatchmate was actually the first one to start laying. Now I'm just dying to see what color egg Merna lays
She will lay. I gave up on my 42 week old. I thought i just bought a defective chick but then she surprised me with her first egg today. I gave her a lot of discarded greens from the grocery store and some free range time. I'm sure it was just time that did it but she seems pretty happy.

Good luck!

And the answer!

She laid this morning, about 5am I think (at least that's when I heard some noise coming from the coop, then I rolled over and went back to sleep). When I went out around 6:30 to let the girls out I saw the form of an egg on the floor under the roost. At first I thought one of my fake eggs had magically re-appeared (I have 3, but could only find 2 of them yesterday). But when I picked it up, it was cold (my fake eggs are paper mache). And....wet. And wrinkly:/

At first I thought that it had cracked when it fell from the roost. When I got it into the house, my husband said that it was a shell less egg. Except it was green. But it was definitely covered in a membrane, with a weird little bumply green bit that looked like it was trying to be a shell. I broke the membrane open and there was a little slime that I think was maybe some egg white, and a normal shelled egg inside. It did have some warty looking bumps, but they rubbed off when I cleaned the shell. It's a few shades darker than Tiger's (my other EE) egg. Tiger's egg is kind of a minty green, and Merna's is more of a sage green. And fairly big for a first egg, 1 3/4 oz.

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