
check your local agricultural web site, sometimes there are auctions weekly or monthly for small farm animals.

I would not go to the local sale barn. There are all kinds of diseases there to bring to your place and spread to your animals. Look on the internet and find a local breeder. You might have to travel a little to get a good quality, healthy one.
Thanks cgjsmith for the info. I looked and there's nobody close at all. All I can get when I do a local search is ponies!!!
Go here:

the general info tab you will find a breeder's list and a listing of sheep for sale.
I did not see any breeders for the state of Missiissippi. Looks like you could make history.

Believe me, go however far you need to and get some of these. They are the BEST!

If you are ever up here around Columbus, Oh stop in and I'll be happy to show you ours.

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