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"I think I can see where you're heading" She thought to herself, smiling slightly.
Seth left the lab and walked towards the crash site of his plane. The main wreckage was about 100 yards outside of the forcefield, with other parts scattered around nearby; mostly in a line tracing where his plane had skidded along the ground before stopping and being bombed. The sight of his faithful starfighter in pieces and burning was hard for him to take in, but he dealt with it and shifted into a giant chicken so he could use his wings to blow out the flames. After doing that and shifting back to human, he began digging through the debris to find out what was left that was still salvageable. To his disappointment, there wasn't a lot left; there was still a fair amount of the components left that he could still work with, but not as much as he would've liked. He then noticed a number of other wrecks that were also nearby the forcefield, many of which were fighters he had shot down, one was the hulk of the medium patrol craft the other shifters had disabled earlier, but there was one that caught his eye more than the others. A merchant ship, and a GS-100 nonetheless! he said as he ran towards the crash site. A GS-100 is a medium size salvage ship that is normally found combing the battle fields in space after the combat has subsided, picking up anything that its small crew thinks they can use or make a buck on. As Seth entered the looming hulk of The High Tide, he found that he had hit the jackpot. He flicked on the lights in the cargo hold, and found that she had been carrying a full payload of ship components, spare parts, and lots of other things. To top it all off, the vast majority of the payload was completely intact! Seth thought this just made my day! as he ran back to the camp to try and find a large clearing where he would not be in the way, but still be inside the protective shield. He was going to put his skills to the test and re-build his baby, The Deep Endeavor, better than ever before.

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