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Jadyn laughed, hugging Sophie back. She smiled at Seth, blushing slightly.
After the last of the supplies and equipment that had been salvaged from the wreak of the Liberty had been loaded on board the numerous gunships and hover-speeders that had arrived, the convoy set off for the Rebel base. Seth, Gabe, Jadyn, and Connie were riding in the lead gunship with Baelz, Russel Kate, and the rest of their squad. Sophie was in the next LAAT with the rest of the boys and was flirting with a few of the cute ones. Seth glanced over at Captain Baelz's gun and cocked an eyebrow. "That's the Spartan Q-99K Eradicator, isn't it?" he inquired. Baelz looked up at him and replied "Yeah, this thing has saved my life so many times that I've lost count." They both chuckled a little, then Seth began describing the weapon in surprising detail. "That gun's a ten-pound super weapon. It has an automatic twelve-gauge shotgun, a 7.92-millimeter automatic rifle with sniper scope, and a large-bore barrel in the center that fires small shrapnel-inflicting missiles that explode with deadly results at the slightest impact, correct?" Now it was Baelz's turn to cock a brow. "How do you know so much about this thing?" he asked. "My father designed that gun." Seth replied. Baelz gasped and, taking a half-step back, said "Your Fa... William H Duncan is..." "...My Father." Seth finished for him. "I... I don't belive it, you're Seth Duncan. Your Father has thought that you were dead for the past 4 years!" Now Seth took a half-step back and gasped "Wait... He's ALIVE!?!"
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The rest of the trip was rather uneventful and, frankly, somewhat boring. Seth spent most of the trip talking with Baelz about his father. Most of the passengers were glad when Baelz finally said, "We're here." Connie looked outside and noticed that the gunships were flying no more than 8 feet above the street and were going very slow. Then she looked forward and saw that they were headed straight towards the front wall of a large, 10-story warehouse. There were about 20 bay doors lined up at the street level, but none of them were anywhere near big enough for the LAAT's. Then, when they were only about 50 yards from the wall, a large section of the wall started sliding to the sides like a huge door. The gunships then flew through the opening with the land speeders not far behind. As they entered, the vehicles landed or parked in various places on the huge open floor. When the last of the convoy pulled inside, the doors shut and the whole room was plunged into complete darkness. Then, some mechanical clunking and grinding echoed throughout the chamber and the floor seemed to start moveing downwards like a huge elevator. Some dim lights came on, but there still wasn't much light. Then, after traveling about 5 stories below the surface, the floor rattled to a halt. There was some more metalic and mechanical grinding and clunking, then the wall that had been facing the back of the warehouse opened up and the chamber was flooded with light. After a few seconds, everyone's eyes had adjusted and what lay before them was nothing if not astounding. An entire underground military base the size of a small farm and 5 stories tall. There were aircraft, vehicles, personel, and equipment as far as the eye could see. As Baelz steped down and prepared to help the ladies off the LAAT, he paused to say "Welcome to the Rebel HQ. Codename: Echo Base." Then he once again extended his hand to aid Connie and Jadyn disembark.
The rest of the trip was rather uneventful and, frankly, somewhat boring. Seth spent most of the trip talking with Baelz about his father. Most of the passengers were glad when Baelz finally said, "We're here." Connie looked outside and noticed that the gunships were flying no more than 8 feet above the street and were going very slow. Then she looked forward and saw that they were headed straight towards the front wall of a large, 10-story warehouse. There were about 20 bay doors lined up at the street level, but none of them were anywhere near big enough for the LAAT's. Then, when they were only about 50 yards from the wall, a large section of the wall started sliding to the sides like a huge door. The gunships then flew through the opening with the land speeders not far behind. As they entered, the vehicles landed or parked in various places on the huge open floor. When the last of the convoy pulled inside, the doors shut and the whole room was plunged into complete darkness. Then, some mechanical clunking and grinding echoed throughout the chamber and the floor seemed to start moveing downwards like a huge elevator. Some dim lights came on, but there still wasn't much light. Then, after traveling about 5 stories below the surface, the floor rattled to a halt. There was some more metalic and mechanical grinding and clunking, then the wall that had been facing the back of the warehouse opened up and the chamber was flooded with light. After a few seconds, everyone's eyes had adjusted and what lay before them was nothing if not astounding. An entire underground military base the size of a small farm and 5 stories tall. There were aircraft, vehicles, personel, and equipment as far as the eye could see. As Baelz steped down and prepared to help the ladies off the LAAT, he paused to say "Welcome to the Rebel HQ. Codename: Echo Base." Then he once again extended his hand to aid Connie and Jadyn disembark.
Jadyn stepped delicately from the LAAT, her blue eyes scanning the area. Standing next to Seth, she held his hand loosely.

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