ShiftersRP- Join Today!

Unkown to Jadyn and Connie, for the entire time they had been talking, Sophie had been on a comm hookup with the mess hall. It was just about now that one of the men from the base's kitchen knocked of the door. Sophie opened it and the man brought in a cart with a pile of ingredients that Sophie had ordered. Sophie thanked him before he headed back to the mess hall. She brought the cart into the kitchen of their room and washed her hands; she then put on an apron she found and got out a number of different kitchen implements. Before she started prepping the food, she turned around and said "This is one of the reasons Seth started dating me in the first place; we both love to cook and we're both good at it too. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but, I can make a pretty darn good meatloaf. You guys are going to love this."

Meanwhile, back near the Shifters camp, the Separatist HPC that Seth and Connie had crippled earlier had finally finished repairs and was lifting back off the ground. They turned around and started the return trip to any friendly airbase.

(people with characters at the camp, have your people attack the ship as it retreats. In the end, however, have them be forced to break off their attack and let the ship go. I have something HUGE planned that got special approval from SCD.)
Unkown to Jadyn and Connie, for the entire time they had been talking, Sophie had been on a comm hookup with the mess hall. It was just about now that one of the men from the base's kitchen knocked of the door. Sophie opened it and the man brought in a cart with a pile of ingredients that Sophie had ordered. Sophie thanked him before he headed back to the mess hall. She brought the cart into the kitchen of their room and washed her hands; she then put on an apron she found and got out a number of different kitchen implements. Before she started prepping the food, she turned around and said "This is one of the reasons Seth started dating me in the first place; we both love to cook and we're both good at it too. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but, I can make a pretty darn good meatloaf. You guys are going to love this."

Meanwhile, back near the Shifters camp, the Separatist HPC that Seth and Connie had crippled earlier had finally finished repairs and was lifting back off the ground. They turned around and started the return trip to any friendly airbase.

(people with characters at the camp, have your people attack the ship as it retreats. In the end, however, have them be forced to break off their attack and let the ship go. I have something HUGE planned that got special approval from SCD.)
Unkown to Jadyn and Connie, for the entire time they had been talking, Sophie had been on a comm hookup with the mess hall. It was just about now that one of the men from the base's kitchen knocked of the door. Sophie opened it and the man brought in a cart with a pile of ingredients that Sophie had ordered. Sophie thanked him before he headed back to the mess hall. She brought the cart into the kitchen of their room and washed her hands; she then put on an apron she found and got out a number of different kitchen implements. Before she started prepping the food, she turned around and said "This is one of the reasons Seth started dating me in the first place; we both love to cook and we're both good at it too. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but, I can make a pretty darn good meatloaf. You guys are going to love this."

Meanwhile, back near the Shifters camp, the Separatist HPC that Seth and Connie had crippled earlier had finally finished repairs and was lifting back off the ground. They turned around and started the return trip to any friendly airbase.

(people with characters at the camp, have your people attack the ship as it retreats. In the end, however, have them be forced to break off their attack and let the ship go. I have something HUGE planned that got special approval from SCD.)
Unkown to Jadyn and Connie, for the entire time they had been talking, Sophie had been on a comm hookup with the mess hall. It was just about now that one of the men from the base's kitchen knocked of the door. Sophie opened it and the man brought in a cart with a pile of ingredients that Sophie had ordered. Sophie thanked him before he headed back to the mess hall. She brought the cart into the kitchen of their room and washed her hands; she then put on an apron she found and got out a number of different kitchen implements. Before she started prepping the food, she turned around and said "This is one of the reasons Seth started dating me in the first place; we both love to cook and we're both good at it too. I'm not trying to brag or anything, but, I can make a pretty darn good meatloaf. You guys are going to love this."

Meanwhile, back near the Shifters camp, the Separatist HPC that Seth and Connie had crippled earlier had finally finished repairs and was lifting back off the ground. They turned around and started the return trip to any friendly airbase.

(people with characters at the camp, have your people attack the ship as it retreats. In the end, however, have them be forced to break off their attack and let the ship go. I have something HUGE planned that got special approval from SCD.)
Jadyn laughed softly, brushing her hair away from her face.

James ran out of his cabin, his TDI KRISS Super V XSMG in hand. He aimed it at the limping vessel, some of the other Shifters coming up behind him with bazookas and firing at the aircraft.
Jadyn laughed softly, brushing her hair away from her face.

James ran out of his cabin, his TDI KRISS Super V XSMG in hand. He aimed it at the limping vessel, some of the other Shifters coming up behind him with bazookas and firing at the aircraft.
(YYYEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!! I was starting to think this thread had died because I wasn't getting the e-mail updates anymore. The subscription thing must have glitched.)

The Sepratist HPC shuddered as RPG's impacted along the full length of the vessel, but the big patrol craft shrugged off the insult. Cole and Robert fired up the Lucky-13 and began to pursue. They attacked the Heavy Patrol Craft for as long as the Lucky-13's range would allow, but were forced to let the vessel escape as a full squadron of Separtist Vulture-Droid Starfighters appeared on their dimensional RADAR. They returned to the camp that had become their home feeling down-hearted and defeated. There was no way they could have known that, in less than 24 hours, the spot where they were standing, as well as the entire camp, would be nothing more than a huge smoldering crater.

About an hour later the battered HPC made an emergency "landing" at a main Sepratist stronghold. The captain of the vessel, Sergent Jens Hantonar, emerged and, pushing past the medics and emergency personel, made his way towards the command center.

"Come on you Rebel scum, TALK!" Sepratist leader Wat Tambor (pronounced just like it looks) yelled as he gave Rebel Sergent Miles Hoffman a firm slap in the face. Secured to the wall of the interrogation room by metal clamps on his wrists and ankles, Hoffman was in a world of pain most men have or will never known. The clamps were able to send any amount of electricity through his body as a form of torture and could break the will of nearly anyone; but Hoffman just hung there and said "You'll never get anything out of me!" Tambor motioned for the man conrtoling the electric flow to hit the Rebel with another burst. The man nodded and brought the power up to 40%. 9,000 Volts of electricity surged through Hoffman's body, causing him to scream in agony. After a few seconds, the control man turned the power back off. Tambor leaned up to his prisoner and said "When you tell us where the Rebel Base is, the pain will stop." A devilish grin spread across Hoffman's face and he spat directly in Tambor's eye. Tambor wiped the insult off and punched Hoffman hard in the stomach. The blow knocked the air out of the Rebel's lungs, but he once again managed "You're getting nothing from me you filth." Tambor was about to order another surge of electricity when Jens Hantonar burst into the room. "Wat Tambor, My Lord!" he said, bowing on one knee briefly before standing again, "I have urgent news!" Tambor turned to him and said "What is it? Have you located the Rebel Base?" "No, My Lord, better!" Hantonar said. "Better?" Tambor replied, slightly surprised. "Yes, My Lord," Hantonar continued, "we have located the camp of the Shifters!" Wat Tambor grined like a demon and said "Excelent Sergent, or should I say Leutenant." "Thank you, My Lord." Hantonar said before leaving the room. Tambor began to leave and tell his advizors to start thinking of ways to destroy the Shifters and thier camp when a voice stopped him. "My Lord?", the control man asked, "should we continue the interrogation?" Tambor thought for a moment, then replied "we can find someone else who can reveal the location of Echo Base. Dispose of him." "NO!" yelled Hoffman from behind Tambor. Tambor turned and said "Yes. Goddbye, you Rebel scumbag. Have a nice stay in Hell." Tambor closed the door as the control man turned the power up to 100%. The lights in the nearby cells and the hallway dimmed noticably as most of their power was directed into the torture device. Hoffman let out a scream that would have made the Boogy-Man curl up and cry like a baby as more than 60,000 Volts of electricity surged through his body. Five seconds passed... then Ten... then Fifteen... then Twenty. Then, all at once, the screaming stopped; a few seconds later, the lights returned to normal. Tambor continued walking like nothing had happened, a sinister, devilish grin spread across his face.

Lucky-13 (see if you can figure out the show this plane is from)
(YYYEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!! I was starting to think this thread had died because I wasn't getting the e-mail updates anymore. The subscription thing must have glitched.)

The Sepratist HPC shuddered as RPG's impacted along the full length of the vessel, but the big patrol craft shrugged off the insult. Cole and Robert fired up the Lucky-13 and began to pursue. They attacked the Heavy Patrol Craft for as long as the Lucky-13's range would allow, but were forced to let the vessel escape as a full squadron of Separtist Vulture-Droid Starfighters appeared on their dimensional RADAR. They returned to the camp that had become their home feeling down-hearted and defeated. There was no way they could have known that, in less than 24 hours, the spot where they were standing, as well as the entire camp, would be nothing more than a huge smoldering crater.

About an hour later the battered HPC made an emergency "landing" at a main Sepratist stronghold. The captain of the vessel, Sergent Jens Hantonar, emerged and, pushing past the medics and emergency personel, made his way towards the command center.

"Come on you Rebel scum, TALK!" Sepratist leader Wat Tambor (pronounced just like it looks) yelled as he gave Rebel Sergent Miles Hoffman a firm slap in the face. Secured to the wall of the interrogation room by metal clamps on his wrists and ankles, Hoffman was in a world of pain most men have or will never known. The clamps were able to send any amount of electricity through his body as a form of torture and could break the will of nearly anyone; but Hoffman just hung there and said "You'll never get anything out of me!" Tambor motioned for the man conrtoling the electric flow to hit the Rebel with another burst. The man nodded and brought the power up to 40%. 9,000 Volts of electricity surged through Hoffman's body, causing him to scream in agony. After a few seconds, the control man turned the power back off. Tambor leaned up to his prisoner and said "When you tell us where the Rebel Base is, the pain will stop." A devilish grin spread across Hoffman's face and he spat directly in Tambor's eye. Tambor wiped the insult off and punched Hoffman hard in the stomach. The blow knocked the air out of the Rebel's lungs, but he once again managed "You're getting nothing from me you filth." Tambor was about to order another surge of electricity when Jens Hantonar burst into the room. "Wat Tambor, My Lord!" he said, bowing on one knee briefly before standing again, "I have urgent news!" Tambor turned to him and said "What is it? Have you located the Rebel Base?" "No, My Lord, better!" Hantonar said. "Better?" Tambor replied, slightly surprised. "Yes, My Lord," Hantonar continued, "we have located the camp of the Shifters!" Wat Tambor grined like a demon and said "Excelent Sergent, or should I say Leutenant." "Thank you, My Lord." Hantonar said before leaving the room. Tambor began to leave and tell his advizors to start thinking of ways to destroy the Shifters and thier camp when a voice stopped him. "My Lord?", the control man asked, "should we continue the interrogation?" Tambor thought for a moment, then replied "we can find someone else who can reveal the location of Echo Base. Dispose of him." "NO!" yelled Hoffman from behind Tambor. Tambor turned and said "Yes. Goddbye, you Rebel scumbag. Have a nice stay in Hell." Tambor closed the door as the control man turned the power up to 100%. The lights in the nearby cells and the hallway dimmed noticably as most of their power was directed into the torture device. Hoffman let out a scream that would have made the Boogy-Man curl up and cry like a baby as more than 60,000 Volts of electricity surged through his body. Five seconds passed... then Ten... then Fifteen... then Twenty. Then, all at once, the screaming stopped; a few seconds later, the lights returned to normal. Tambor continued walking like nothing had happened, a sinister, devilish grin spread across his face.

Lucky-13 (see if you can figure out the show this plane is from)
I am LL98's... *coughcough* second-in-command and supervisor. I apologize for her lack of RPing here, as she and I are currently caught up in one of my own RPs, as well as she is not online much anymore. Lo siento, train, y adios.
(ETA: This is the former SCM. I am now Techno. :3)
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