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(I dunno. Umm...
... just too busy maybe? whatever,
Quote: James gave out orders for warriors to patrol the woods and skies around the camp at all times, giving permission to shoot anyone who didn't belong and ask questions later. "If anyone appears shoot them to the ground and take any survivors captive. I don't even want commercial flights to pass unpunished. No breaks while on patrol, always be on the alert." He commanded, shifting into a hawk and going with the first sky patrol with about ten others and sending about twenty warriors into the forest in animal form.
Completely unaware of what had been going on at the Shifter's camp and in the CIS interrogation/torture room, the Rebels continued with their lives. Sophie had finished the meatloaf she had been making and set it on the counter. The meatloaf had 4 different kinds of cheeses mixed in along with numerous spices. There was also an outer "skin" wrapped around the entire loaf that was made from fresh, juicy, venison bacon. The meat itself was a combination of beef, dark turkey meat, Italian sausage, and pork loin. She set the table and the savory aroma drifting from the kitchen aroused Connie, who had fallen asleep while the dish was cooking. She sat up and sniffed the air, then a big grin spread across her face. "Sophie," she said, "if that dinner tastes as good as it smells, you have a serious gift for cooking." Sophie turned around and said "to be honest, the smell is slightly deceiving. It actually tastes even better than it smells; that is, when you make it right." Connie walked into the kitchen, then turned to Jadyn and said "come on, let's eat. I'm not sure about you, but I'm starving."

Unbekownst to them, in the control center, one of the Rebels monitoring the scanners and sensor arrays noticed something out of the ordinary. "Hey, Baelz; you'd better come have a look at this." The Captain walked over and asked "what is it?" The Private responded "we've picked up a large amount of activity coming from one of the main Separatist communication arrays. But the antennas aren't aimed at any known CIS base. In fact, they're not aimed at any point on earth at all. They're aimed up into space; it would appear that they may be trying to hack a satellite or something." "Hmmm..." Baelz said, thinking for a moment. "...Computer! Determine target of enemy transmission." he said, seemingly to nobody. A computerized feminine voice responded "Analizing... target confirmed as an old satellite." "Identify satellite," Baelz said. After a moment's pause, the voice responded "satellite identified as Stalin's Fist, a Soviet cold-war, kinetic bombardment satellite." "Looks as though they're trying to use that satellite to destroy a nuke-worthy target without ruining the landscape with radiation," Baelz said. "Determine target location." A few minutes later, one of the many large LCD screens in the room gave a detailed view of the earth from space. The image focused on North America, then zoomed in on the east coast. Then on the Mid-Atlantic region, and finally on a secluded part of the forest to the west of the old city of Annapolis. Baelz didn't recognize the area, but Dirk happened to glance over and he did recognize the area. Dirk walked over and said "how did you guys figure out where the Shifters camp was?" Baelz' eye's opened wide in shock as he said "THAT"S where the Shifters camp is?!?" "Yeah, why? Is something wrong?" Dirk asked. "You have no idea," the Private said, "Computer! Give me the satellite's ETA to firing position!" "Stalin's Fist will be in position to fire in approximately 1 hour, 24 minutes." "Firing position? What's going on?" Dirk asked. "No time," Baelz replied, "we've got to get your people out of there NOW! Come on, we have a ship that could do the job in the back hanger." The two of them jumped on one of the golf-cart-like vehicles that personnel used to move throughout the base complex with greater ease and speed and peeled out towards the huge back hanger. When they arrived, Dirk's jaw dropped. The back hanger of Echo Base was enormous. Think of a full size football stadium. Now think of something four times as tall, five times as wide, and six times as long. That's how large the main body of the back hanger of Echo base was. Parked right smack in the middle was a huge transport ship. An Acclamator-class Star Destroyer with SALVATION painted on the bow in big bold print. The ship was more then 2,200 feet long, almost 1,400 feet wide, and towered 600 feet from the landing gear to the top of the bridge. Baelz shouted to get the ship ready to leave NOW. Within five minutes, the engines were powering up and the boarding ramp was retracting. Then, to everyone outside the ship, the entire vessel disappeared. Baelz had activated the cloaking device on board the Salvation that kept the ship hidden. The ship left the hanger and set a course for the forest. Baelz looked at the timer he had set. 1 hour, 12 minutes; they would be cutting it far too close for comfort. They had to race in, load everyone at the camp, the equipment as well if there was time, and get out before the camp was destroyed by the near-nuclear destructive force the Stalin's Fist was capable of unleashing.

Stalin's Fist is a Soviet-made, cold-war era, Kenetic-Bombardment satelite. Kenetic bombardment is essentially using a large blunt object as a projectile, launching it from earth orbit, and the kenetic energy made by its momentem being released in the impact replaces any kind of warhead. Catapults and trebuchets and the like loaded with rocks are similar, but that is technically siege warfare. Stalin's Fist uses a tungsten cylinder measuring about 1 foot wide by 20 feet long and weighing more than 8-tons and orbits about 30 miles above the planet. It orbits in a North-South path, traveling over both poles while the planet rotates beneath it; this allows it to cover, and potentially fire upon, every square mile of the planet. Before the projectile is launched, it is set spinning at 1,000 rpm inside the launch tube; this is to stabilize it during re-entry into the atmosphere. When the rod hits the ground, the resulting desructive power is essentially the same as a small tactical nuke, just without the nuclear fallout. Total average kinetic energy on impact is equivalent to approximately 11.5 tons of TNT (or 7.2 tons of dynamite). The tungsten rods reach speeds of around Mach 10 before they hit their target, ohh, and by the way, the satalite doesn't just carry one of these weapons... it carries TEN.
Completely unaware of what had been going on at the Shifter's camp and in the CIS interrogation/torture room, the Rebels continued with their lives. Sophie had finished the meatloaf she had been making and set it on the counter. The meatloaf had 4 different kinds of cheeses mixed in along with numerous spices. There was also an outer "skin" wrapped around the entire loaf that was made from fresh, juicy, venison bacon. The meat itself was a combination of beef, dark turkey meat, Italian sausage, and pork loin. She set the table and the savory aroma drifting from the kitchen aroused Connie, who had fallen asleep while the dish was cooking. She sat up and sniffed the air, then a big grin spread across her face. "Sophie," she said, "if that dinner tastes as good as it smells, you have a serious gift for cooking." Sophie turned around and said "to be honest, the smell is slightly deceiving. It actually tastes even better than it smells; that is, when you make it right." Connie walked into the kitchen, then turned to Jadyn and said "come on, let's eat. I'm not sure about you, but I'm starving."

Unbekownst to them, in the control center, one of the Rebels monitoring the scanners and sensor arrays noticed something out of the ordinary. "Hey, Baelz; you'd better come have a look at this." The Captain walked over and asked "what is it?" The Private responded "we've picked up a large amount of activity coming from one of the main Separatist communication arrays. But the antennas aren't aimed at any known CIS base. In fact, they're not aimed at any point on earth at all. They're aimed up into space; it would appear that they may be trying to hack a satellite or something." "Hmmm..." Baelz said, thinking for a moment. "...Computer! Determine target of enemy transmission." he said, seemingly to nobody. A computerized feminine voice responded "Analizing... target confirmed as an old satellite." "Identify satellite," Baelz said. After a moment's pause, the voice responded "satellite identified as Stalin's Fist, a Soviet cold-war, kinetic bombardment satellite." "Looks as though they're trying to use that satellite to destroy a nuke-worthy target without ruining the landscape with radiation," Baelz said. "Determine target location." A few minutes later, one of the many large LCD screens in the room gave a detailed view of the earth from space. The image focused on North America, then zoomed in on the east coast. Then on the Mid-Atlantic region, and finally on a secluded part of the forest to the west of the old city of Annapolis. Baelz didn't recognize the area, but Dirk happened to glance over and he did recognize the area. Dirk walked over and said "how did you guys figure out where the Shifters camp was?" Baelz' eye's opened wide in shock as he said "THAT"S where the Shifters camp is?!?" "Yeah, why? Is something wrong?" Dirk asked. "You have no idea," the Private said, "Computer! Give me the satellite's ETA to firing position!" "Stalin's Fist will be in position to fire in approximately 1 hour, 24 minutes." "Firing position? What's going on?" Dirk asked. "No time," Baelz replied, "we've got to get your people out of there NOW! Come on, we have a ship that could do the job in the back hanger." The two of them jumped on one of the golf-cart-like vehicles that personnel used to move throughout the base complex with greater ease and speed and peeled out towards the huge back hanger. When they arrived, Dirk's jaw dropped. The back hanger of Echo Base was enormous. Think of a full size football stadium. Now think of something four times as tall, five times as wide, and six times as long. That's how large the main body of the back hanger of Echo base was. Parked right smack in the middle was a huge transport ship. An Acclamator-class Star Destroyer with SALVATION painted on the bow in big bold print. The ship was more then 2,200 feet long, almost 1,400 feet wide, and towered 600 feet from the landing gear to the top of the bridge. Baelz shouted to get the ship ready to leave NOW. Within five minutes, the engines were powering up and the boarding ramp was retracting. Then, to everyone outside the ship, the entire vessel disappeared. Baelz had activated the cloaking device on board the Salvation that kept the ship hidden. The ship left the hanger and set a course for the forest. Baelz looked at the timer he had set. 1 hour, 12 minutes; they would be cutting it far too close for comfort. They had to race in, load everyone at the camp, the equipment as well if there was time, and get out before the camp was destroyed by the near-nuclear destructive force the Stalin's Fist was capable of unleashing.

Stalin's Fist is a Soviet-made, cold-war era, Kenetic-Bombardment satelite. Kenetic bombardment is essentially using a large blunt object as a projectile, launching it from earth orbit, and the kenetic energy made by its momentem being released in the impact replaces any kind of warhead. Catapults and trebuchets and the like loaded with rocks are similar, but that is technically siege warfare. Stalin's Fist uses a tungsten cylinder measuring about 1 foot wide by 20 feet long and weighing more than 8-tons and orbits about 30 miles above the planet. It orbits in a North-South path, traveling over both poles while the planet rotates beneath it; this allows it to cover, and potentially fire upon, every square mile of the planet. Before the projectile is launched, it is set spinning at 1,000 rpm inside the launch tube; this is to stabilize it during re-entry into the atmosphere. When the rod hits the ground, the resulting desructive power is essentially the same as a small tactical nuke, just without the nuclear fallout. Total average kinetic energy on impact is equivalent to approximately 11.5 tons of TNT (or 7.2 tons of dynamite). The tungsten rods reach speeds of around Mach 10 before they hit their target, ohh, and by the way, the satalite doesn't just carry one of these weapons... it carries TEN.
Completely unaware of what had been going on at the Shifter's camp and in the CIS interrogation/torture room, the Rebels continued with their lives. Sophie had finished the meatloaf she had been making and set it on the counter. The meatloaf had 4 different kinds of cheeses mixed in along with numerous spices. There was also an outer "skin" wrapped around the entire loaf that was made from fresh, juicy, venison bacon. The meat itself was a combination of beef, dark turkey meat, Italian sausage, and pork loin. She set the table and the savory aroma drifting from the kitchen aroused Connie, who had fallen asleep while the dish was cooking. She sat up and sniffed the air, then a big grin spread across her face. "Sophie," she said, "if that dinner tastes as good as it smells, you have a serious gift for cooking." Sophie turned around and said "to be honest, the smell is slightly deceiving. It actually tastes even better than it smells; that is, when you make it right." Connie walked into the kitchen, then turned to Jadyn and said "come on, let's eat. I'm not sure about you, but I'm starving."

Unbekownst to them, in the control center, one of the Rebels monitoring the scanners and sensor arrays noticed something out of the ordinary. "Hey, Baelz; you'd better come have a look at this." The Captain walked over and asked "what is it?" The Private responded "we've picked up a large amount of activity coming from one of the main Separatist communication arrays. But the antennas aren't aimed at any known CIS base. In fact, they're not aimed at any point on earth at all. They're aimed up into space; it would appear that they may be trying to hack a satellite or something." "Hmmm..." Baelz said, thinking for a moment. "...Computer! Determine target of enemy transmission." he said, seemingly to nobody. A computerized feminine voice responded "Analizing... target confirmed as an old satellite." "Identify satellite," Baelz said. After a moment's pause, the voice responded "satellite identified as Stalin's Fist, a Soviet cold-war, kinetic bombardment satellite." "Looks as though they're trying to use that satellite to destroy a nuke-worthy target without ruining the landscape with radiation," Baelz said. "Determine target location." A few minutes later, one of the many large LCD screens in the room gave a detailed view of the earth from space. The image focused on North America, then zoomed in on the east coast. Then on the Mid-Atlantic region, and finally on a secluded part of the forest to the west of the old city of Annapolis. Baelz didn't recognize the area, but Dirk happened to glance over and he did recognize the area. Dirk walked over and said "how did you guys figure out where the Shifters camp was?" Baelz' eye's opened wide in shock as he said "THAT"S where the Shifters camp is?!?" "Yeah, why? Is something wrong?" Dirk asked. "You have no idea," the Private said, "Computer! Give me the satellite's ETA to firing position!" "Stalin's Fist will be in position to fire in approximately 1 hour, 24 minutes." "Firing position? What's going on?" Dirk asked. "No time," Baelz replied, "we've got to get your people out of there NOW! Come on, we have a ship that could do the job in the back hanger." The two of them jumped on one of the golf-cart-like vehicles that personnel used to move throughout the base complex with greater ease and speed and peeled out towards the huge back hanger. When they arrived, Dirk's jaw dropped. The back hanger of Echo Base was enormous. Think of a full size football stadium. Now think of something four times as tall, five times as wide, and six times as long. That's how large the main body of the back hanger of Echo base was. Parked right smack in the middle was a huge transport ship. An Acclamator-class Star Destroyer with SALVATION painted on the bow in big bold print. The ship was more then 2,200 feet long, almost 1,400 feet wide, and towered 600 feet from the landing gear to the top of the bridge. Baelz shouted to get the ship ready to leave NOW. Within five minutes, the engines were powering up and the boarding ramp was retracting. Then, to everyone outside the ship, the entire vessel disappeared. Baelz had activated the cloaking device on board the Salvation that kept the ship hidden. The ship left the hanger and set a course for the forest. Baelz looked at the timer he had set. 1 hour, 12 minutes; they would be cutting it far too close for comfort. They had to race in, load everyone at the camp, the equipment as well if there was time, and get out before the camp was destroyed by the near-nuclear destructive force the Stalin's Fist was capable of unleashing.

Stalin's Fist is a Soviet-made, cold-war era, Kenetic-Bombardment satelite. Kenetic bombardment is essentially using a large blunt object as a projectile, launching it from earth orbit, and the kenetic energy made by its momentem being released in the impact replaces any kind of warhead. Catapults and trebuchets and the like loaded with rocks are similar, but that is technically siege warfare. Stalin's Fist uses a tungsten cylinder measuring about 1 foot wide by 20 feet long and weighing more than 8-tons and orbits about 30 miles above the planet. It orbits in a North-South path, traveling over both poles while the planet rotates beneath it; this allows it to cover, and potentially fire upon, every square mile of the planet. Before the projectile is launched, it is set spinning at 1,000 rpm inside the launch tube; this is to stabilize it during re-entry into the atmosphere. When the rod hits the ground, the resulting desructive power is essentially the same as a small tactical nuke, just without the nuclear fallout. Total average kinetic energy on impact is equivalent to approximately 11.5 tons of TNT (or 7.2 tons of dynamite). The tungsten rods reach speeds of around Mach 10 before they hit their target, ohh, and by the way, the satalite doesn't just carry one of these weapons... it carries TEN.

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