Shipped eggs - two ruptured air cells - Update

I have a very stupid question. How do you tell if the air sack is broken?

Are there candlers that are that good? We used home made candlers in the past, so I dont have any experience with a "real" one.
If when you candle the egg there is a bubble or bubbles that are freely mobile and move about when you tip or rotate the egg it is ruptured. This is different from a loose airsac which may be greatly enlarged but is tethered all the way around even if it is half way down the egg. These can hatch but rate is lower than for "non-traumatised" eggs

Brinsea do a good high intensity candler.
I use a mini mag light with a krypton or halogen bulb. It isn't bright enough to see the heart beating, but it works...

I put the eggs in the incubator, it was running anyhow. The eggs with an intact aircell are under a broody hen. I'll keep an eye on these two, if I don't see anything start I'll pitch them. I figured I'm not out a whole lot by trying, just the electricity to keep the incubator going a bit longer. I'm done ordering eggs for the year... now just waiting for my Silver Pied hen to start laying. She and my Black Shoulder (apparently split pied) are three this year. Last year he didn't have even the beginnings of a train, I set the eggs under a broody hen and one developed and hatched so I have a beautiful Silver Pied cock now. I am hoping to get a hen for him out of these eggs... Just can't wait to see what he'll have for a train! I really hope it's bi-color, I love those!
Well, I put the two eggs in the incubator, nothing to lose besides a week of electricity to power the incubator. They have been in there for a week so I candled them. One looks clear and the other has veins and a small dark spot that moves!!! Now if the little one will keep going...
Do you guys think it would help to put a few chicken eggs in with it at this point? So there is more than one egg come hatch time? The eggs are in an old GQF cabinet incubator.

I went out to candle the eggs under the chicken, They don't look like the clear looking egg in the incubator, but don't look like the one with veins and a spot either. Could they just look different because they are laying on their side under a hen? I think I'll give them another week before I brave mama hen again... If I'm going to risk losing an arm again I want it to be worth the risk!

ColbyNTX, if the little one makes it the whole way, do I leave it upright for the hatch, or lay it down? When it gets that close, won't they rupture the air sack themselves anyhow?
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I would definitely put in some chicken eggs. Pea chicks aren't the brightest and really do need a chicken chick to show them how to eat and drink. It isn't completely necessary and I have done it by showing them the food and water by literally dipping the tip of the beak in the water. It just makes it easier for you and less worry that the chick will figure it out on its own. won't be lonely. A lonely pea chick is very loud, it's almost like they are crying.

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