Shipping quail


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 8, 2010
Asheville, NC
Who successfully ships quail. Wanting to ship teens (3ish weeks old).
How do you set up their shipping box, what do you do ahead of time to prep them, other tips/tricks for a successful trip?

Thanks seasoned shippers!!❤️
i don’t personally ship quail noreggs but myshire farm that i work with does......i know he puts cucumbers in the box and i believe food but i’m not sure what other preparation that he does......he mentions it a few time i. some of his live you tube videos......
I read somewhere that chicks often die during shipment and it isn’t uncommon to receive a shipment with a couple who died. I’m not sure, because I’ve never tried it, but my well labeled hatching eggs with fast shipping got lost for 6 full days, on top of the 2 intended days, and I think if it was chicks in that situation they would all be dead.

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