Shirt should be required

Thanks, Buff.

And Wildsky - You are totally asking for it!

(Ron takes a giant step WAY back to see what will happen).
Buff wrote:
I have to go to my other office's party in about an hour. I don't think I'll be able to eat anything at all. I'll just huddle in the corner with some ginger ale.

Oh yes, because you're SO out of shape... Not.
Well, have fun at yet another party anway. Let us know about the widlness that is bound to ensue.​
They plan on kicking us out early, anticipating that we won't be worth any real work after stuffing ourselves to the gills. Smart bosses. What the heck am I going to do with myself this afternoon at home? Oh, I know, workout. Quads are back to 100%, let's go.

And note to self: shave stomach.
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