Shirt should be required

no shaving...they'll just come back more prickly.

wax is the way to go...ask purplechicken...he is wise to this.
LOOK!!!!!!!!!! that dudes baby has hair already !!
Well, you know how everybody lies on the internet? You've found us out. We are really each 300 pounds and depend on forklifts to get us off the couch and have food shipped in by semi. We stole our pictures from other people, and we are happily sailing down the river of Denial. But don't tell anybody.

PS: Shoulder's still chatty...
*miss_jayne makes note to self: Send Buff Hooligans a home tummy waxing kit for swimsuit season!*

i hope that guy is prepared for twins...cuz that ain't just one baby in there!
Thanks, but my DH keeps giving them to me. The linen closet's full of 'em. What's he trying to tell me?
Thanks, but my DH keeps giving them to me. The linen closet's full of 'em. What's he trying to tell me?

maybe he wants you to open a salon? or an Ebay business?
all the other ideas i come up with make me a little queasy.
Oh my, hmm.... well, ya know, after 16 years married, a person should try something new now and then...

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