

6 Years
Dec 9, 2013
We had a terrible storm last night and I went out to check the chickens around 11pm it was pouring rain.....I noticed two of my hens laying in the puddles of rain water. I grabbed them fearing they had drowned but they were still breathing. I wrapped them up but after an hour one died. The other is fluffed up sleeping won't move or eat. She will open her eyes but that's it. Any advice? Is this shock? How do I treat her? I have her separated still in a quiet place and she's warm but her comb color is getting lighter
They may have been sick before the storm if they were out in the rain and not on the roost. Do you not lock them up at night? Have they had any signs of coccidiosis such as lethargy, puffing up, diarrhea (with or without blood,) ruffled feathers, poor appetite, and weakness? Is it cold where you live? Could something have attacked them? I had a hen once who hadn't gone in for the night, accidentally get locked out in a rainstorm on a cold night, and found her dead in the morning.
They are locked up in their pen at night. Not cold and no predators in the coop or signs of predators. No signs of illness. The rest were all in the sheltered area huddled up but these two appeared to just have been in the open area and for whatever reason
Well she just passed :( it breaks my heart this one would jump up on my shoulder and arms I was so attached to her. I just wish there was something I knew to do but I guess whatever happened was just too much for her to handle

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