Should chickens be kept out of vegatable gardens?

movable day run:

We made the triangular coop from plans downloaded from the internet. It has a 2 wheel trolly that allows one to move it--although the coop is really to heavy to push around much and isn't so pushable if the yard is bumpy. Still, I could send you measurements and pix for the trolly, which might help you move your run.
i agree, i planted turnips in the fall and they pecked them to the ground. it would be nice if they just got weeds and bugs but that is not the case.
Mine go though the gardens and if the food isn't cooked, it's washed. That said, a healthy human can tolerate a certain amount of e.coli. Only virulent strains will get you sick in low numbers. Lab strains of e.coli you could probably lick and be just fine.

If I remember right, the last big human food e.coli was blamed on farm animal fecal matter, but it turned out the e.coli was a strain found in the human colon.
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my favorite response. and so true.

my garden and chickens couldn't play well together and had to be separated by a sturdy fence. But just for the record, chicken poo is really hot (full of nitrogen) when it's fresh and could very well kill your vegetables.

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