Should formally introduce myself


11 Years
Jan 2, 2009
Cairo, Missouri
Had ducks and chickens in high school. That was long time ago. Two boys were in 4-H and showed poultry. They each had their own breeds. One state fair someone had d'Anvers for sale. Both wanted, but decided to get me to buy and show. I now show more than they do.

Currently have over 100 chickens, turkeys and geese. Home to following bantam breeds: Quail d'Anver, Black d'Anver, RIR, red naked neck, black wyandotte, birchen, BB red and brwon red modern game, Black oeg and white cornish. Large fowl: barred rock, black Langshan, Bronze turkey, Canada geese and Grey Deulop Toulouse geese and one Egyptian goose.

Wrote a book, Greetings from the Missouri State Fair and Other Misadventures, published in April and also have second book, Waking Up to Reality, One Families Fight With Cancer..

Active in photography, with over 100 published photographs.

Also have two cats, two dogs and one pot-bellied pig named Pork Chop.
Hi moduckman,

Just came over to this forum to introduce myself and saw you are another new Missouri member. Hello!

Going off to do my little into now...

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