Should I add flooring/bedding to coop floor?

So do you think I could add the horse stall mat over my plywood coop floor instead of painting it for protection. I'd like to try to avoid any kind of paint only because I know it can be toxic to the chickens especially when it's first applied.
I dont think it is mandatory to paint but I would highly recommend it. I used Impervo which is a hard enamel paint that I used for the interior trim in my house. In my old coop I used it on the floor and walls. For my new coop I used it on the walls and the poop board. The last thing you want is for the floor to get damaged by water or aggressive cleaning, the paint really helps to protect the wood. It is amazing how a few chickens can really dirty up a place. Just the other day my waterer in my brooder leaked out all over the floor and another older chicken had a broken egg and a some diarrhea. The stall mats work great but if moisture got trapped underneath it could be a real problem if the wood was unsealed.
What a great little coop!! Having poop boards is truly going to save your floor, great design! I have plywood, painted floor and I only have to sweep and swiffer wet jet, it stays perfectly clean and dry, no bedding. The girls have a bench to help with jumping but the plywood doesn't hurt anyone, no bumblefoot here. All of that said, I have a matt with rubber backing (needs to have something over the rubber or they will peck/eat it,) in the baby brooder side of my coop for a shock absorber.
That’s a big beautiful coop for just 4 chickens. You will want something on the floor for sure. And I too think you should paint the floor with some protectant. I put Blackjack 57 on my floor and up the walls a good 10-12 inches. I used 2 coats. You will be glad you did.

You might try palletized bedding from TSC. I have a bag and really like it but my coop is just too big to use it exclusively.
That’s a big beautiful coop for just 4 chickens. You will want something on the floor for sure. And I too think you should paint the floor with some protectant. I put Blackjack 57 on my floor and up the walls a good 10-12 inches. I used 2 coats. You will be glad you did.

You might try palletized bedding from TSC. I have a bag and really like it but my coop is just too big to use it exclusively.
Oh thank you. I only have 4 girls right now. But the plan was to get the maximum allowable of 8 so we had it built for 8.

That's 2 recommendations for Blackjack 57. Wow! Ok, I think I'll paint it for protection. How long do I have to keep the birds out of there to dry/off-gas. Not sure where they will lay or roost during this time...
What a great little coop!! Having poop boards is truly going to save your floor, great design! I have plywood, painted floor and I only have to sweep and swiffer wet jet, it stays perfectly clean and dry, no bedding. The girls have a bench to help with jumping but the plywood doesn't hurt anyone, no bumblefoot here. All of that said, I have a matt with rubber backing (needs to have something over the rubber or they will peck/eat it,) in the baby brooder side of my coop for a shock absorber.
Yeah, I think I'll paint. How long did you let the paint dry for before putting them in? I'm just afraid of the toxicity.
Haha yeah mine would totally peck/eat the rubber and even pull up the yarn on whatever mats.
But a bench would be a good idea. I have a bench in there that I sit on. But I'll get them one too. Not sure if they would use it. But will try.
I dont think it is mandatory to paint but I would highly recommend it. I used Impervo which is a hard enamel paint that I used for the interior trim in my house. In my old coop I used it on the floor and walls. For my new coop I used it on the walls and the poop board. The last thing you want is for the floor to get damaged by water or aggressive cleaning, the paint really helps to protect the wood. It is amazing how a few chickens can really dirty up a place. Just the other day my waterer in my brooder leaked out all over the floor and another older chicken had a broken egg and a some diarrhea. The stall mats work great but if moisture got trapped underneath it could be a real problem if the wood was unsealed.
I decided to paint it after all the recommendations. How long did you let yours dry for before putting the chickens back in? They won't have access to their nest box or roost if I need to keep them out of there for more than a few hours.
Yeah, I think I'll paint. How long did you let the paint dry for before putting them in? I'm just afraid of the toxicity.
Haha yeah mine would totally peck/eat the rubber and even pull up the yarn on whatever mats.
But a bench would be a good idea. I have a bench in there that I sit on. But I'll get them one too. Not sure if they would use it. But will try.
I put a really thick coat on towards end of day and layed some fence boards down on top of it in the walk way for roosting time. Then I removed the fence boards and it dried all the way over night.
Depends on what product you use.......probably a couple of days at least.
I agree with aart. I would look at the product you use and see when it says the product is fully cured. You will probably need two coats of paint and then it would likely be 24-48 hours for it to fully cure. Could you set up a temporary coop in the run, maybe a large dog crate for them to sleep in during the night and then they could stay in the run during the day? I know if would be a big pain but I don't think you want to put them back in the coop until the paint has hardened off really well, it will be worth the time investment.

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