I hatched 6 EE/Buckeye crosses (mom's were EE). They were all hatched on Mother's day and the day after so about a month old now. We only have one rooster currently and he was ordered specific so I am really at a loss as to gender on these babies.
We currently have 16 layers and 6 (2 month old) pullets for just one rooster so we could keep one but I'll probably have to find homes for any others.
Any help is appreciated. I had my sitter help take these pics which aren't so great so if there is something specific someone wants to see to identify (i.e.- combs, feet, etc) just let me know and I'll try to get a shot. Despite taking them out one by one, most pics are blurry so only a couple birds are shown here. I may need to wait for DH tonight to get better shots.
Hoping for some hens to lay us olive eggs this fall.
the first two are of 'Uno' our first hatchling.
This is of Uno and Dos. Dos was #2 to hatch (LOL) and is the one in front in this pic, uno is behind/blurry.
This one isn't a great pic (and chick still needs a name) but here goes:
any ideas?

Any help is appreciated. I had my sitter help take these pics which aren't so great so if there is something specific someone wants to see to identify (i.e.- combs, feet, etc) just let me know and I'll try to get a shot. Despite taking them out one by one, most pics are blurry so only a couple birds are shown here. I may need to wait for DH tonight to get better shots.
Hoping for some hens to lay us olive eggs this fall.
the first two are of 'Uno' our first hatchling.

This is of Uno and Dos. Dos was #2 to hatch (LOL) and is the one in front in this pic, uno is behind/blurry.

This one isn't a great pic (and chick still needs a name) but here goes:

any ideas?
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