Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Whoops is right on with her description of what I am doing and thinking! I have never felt so impatient in my life.

Mc I am tired just reading that. All I did was stare at my eggs!

Ladies and barred rocks....I looked in the bat or a while back and found a PIP!
yeah lindz! we want update pics of the kids with Ratchet.


I'm delirious. tired, fever, and the wind is blowing which is moving the ice encased maple branches out front, the temps have stayed mild so the ice is breaking from the lesser twigs and showering the front of the house with the sound of breaking... stuff. freeeeaky!
yeah lindz! we want update pics of the kids with Ratchet.


I'm delirious. tired, fever, and the wind is blowing which is moving the ice encased maple branches out front, the temps have stayed mild so the ice is breaking from the lesser twigs and showering the front of the house with the sound of breaking... stuff. freeeeaky!

Yes, Ratchet pics please!

Hope you don't have to work tomorrow.
I don't like wind. Gentle breeze is good, but wind is always distressing. I got 5 beautiful eggs this morning. Got home late today and have to run out to see if there are more!

Happy Friday everyone. And Happy Pie Day too!!
Wow I really missed a bunch!!! We got slammed with new abandoned pets at work, including two very pregnant momma cats. *sigh*

I am just now home (it's 9pm) and I went to work at 9am. I love my job I love my job.

But I did come home to a pip! Mortie, we are hatchy twins! I am horrible. I open my incubator a lot during lock down. Not for long, but I still do it. Lol I like to hear cheeping.
yeah lindz! we want update pics of the kids with Ratchet.


I'm delirious. tired, fever, and the wind is blowing which is moving the ice encased maple branches out front, the temps have stayed mild so the ice is breaking from the lesser twigs and showering the front of the house with the sound of breaking... stuff. freeeeaky!
Oh my...
W4W... I have a RIR, about 1 year old. A BSL who is 3 years old, one EE who is 1 year old and an EE (genetically Ameraucana) who is 40 weeks old. I suspect that if one was to go broody right now, it would be the RIR. I hope.....

DH and I looked at the new site for the bigger pen. It will be about 12x20. 3 times larger than the current pen, so I wont have to worry so much about the girls needing to free range. It will be more secure than the first. I have to laugh at my DH. He did not put too much effort in the first coop or pen because he did not think that my love of chickens would last. I certainly fooled him!
Now... I need to work on him for a larger coop. After all, if one goes broody.... well, I'm just sayin'.......
ACK! Two pips! I went down to check the humidity because even with all the wells full, I am having a hard time keeping it up and TWO pips. Some of the eggs are not visible so there may be more. Holy

(thanks for putting up with me)

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