Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I don't think they want to pip. They just want to cheep at me a little and then die. In keeping with my superstitious nature, I have not set up the brooder. The box requires a little modification but it's still in the garage with the bedding and food inside it. I will not set that up until there is a chick thundering around inside the bator.

I was sitting on the snow bank, taking pictures of the flock, when I heard flapping, a small squeak and then... I had a passenger. it's OEGBrutus, who is so stinkin' cute! Mylee got him so accustomed to being carried that he expects to be picked up, loved on, carried around, spoiled...

we have a great news story in our county, a goat doe had a litter of FIVE kids! very rare and all five are thriving! really cool... the handler has been doing this for many decades and has seen quads a few times, but never quints...

I still have to run out one last time to check for eggs, but I think I've got them all. I have several late afternoon layers who I think will switch to morning. I only have 9 eggs so far.
That's an awesome picture!!!

Girls had left over mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and ribs! So I'm expecting an egg tomorrow!!!

I'm exhausted! Having a puppy is work!!! Thankfully yesterday night he was tired so he let me sleep from 9 to 7. I only woke up once to take him out!!!
I am in so much pain, even my toes hurt!

Two and a half hours! And that was only what I did today! I had the coop almost empty of dirty bedding. Today was more about moving the roosts, scraping them, finally turning on the hose to get them cleaner. Then there was the scraping and sweeping of the floor before adding the DE and putting the cinder blocks in their new positions, Moving feeders, and all that other stuff. The best part was when I had the bedding in there. I knew I only had to toss the pine chips in the corners, and then pile it in the center. To help the process, I tossed in cracked corn. I walked out to get the boards, and I swore I heard a party! I even saw the bedding flying up in the air! It was so funny!!
When I get to the other side of the coop, I will change my tactics. First, it will be when the temps are more steady in the upper 40's or higher. Second, the wall will be removed. That will mean less lifting heavy shovel fulls of bedding. Also, I don't have to get it through a hole in the wall.
Anyone use straw? Any thoughts on it?
Mortie, they will hatch! I hear ya, though. The waiting drives me batty. They just sit there, all egglike. Not doing nuthin! Then, you hear a sound like a faint squeaking in the fan - but it's chirping. And you stare at them until your eyes bleed and nuthin! Then, you give up, go to bed or go walk the dog, and next time you check, chicklets.

I believe Astrid is developing more crowing skills. I heard something that sounded like a startled pigeon just now. Astrid, sweetie, this is not a good idea. Sssssssssssshhhh.
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MC.... I feel your pain. You did good. I use pine shavings in my coop and pen area. I have heard the straw can get moldy. But I don't know. I'd like to get some straw for the nest boxes, but I have only 3 nests and DH doesn't want me buying a bale of it. It is funny to see just how quickly the girls can knock down a pile of pine shavings.
Mortie, they will hatch! I hear ya, though. The waiting drives me batty. They just sit there, all egglike. Not doing nuthin! Then, you hear a sound like a faint squeaking in the fan - but it's chirping. And you stare at them until your eyes bleed and nuthin! Then, you give up, go to bed or go walk the dog, and next time you check, chicklets.

I believe Astrid is developing more crowing skills. I heard something that sounded like a startled pigeon just now. Astrid, sweetie, this is not a good idea. Sssssssssssshhhh.

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