Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Oh no jchny!!! Sounds like you've had a tough go. Thanks for sharing tho . Good lesson to learn. I think we all do stupid things and it's just thru grace that more bad things don't happen. We just took Rawley to vets for X-rays cause I left a box of nails on the coffee table and he decided he'd like to eat the box. Pretty sure he didn't eat any nails but we wanted to make sure. I was so mad at me for leaving them there and Dave for not noticing he grabbed them. $375 later!!!! Arrgghhh

We have a lot of overgrowth here too. DH has spent a year ripping it out so far.
Oh no! Don't be too hard on yourself Jchny. A similar thing has happened to us with our chocolate lab. My dad was the take your dog everywhere sort and he'd taken her to the hardware store and then went out to breakfast. When he got back out to the car, he saw that she'd gotten into the decon he bought that morning. Straight to the vet. She lived, but he was pretty shaken up. Animals sometimes do things we don't expect, but I know that doesn't make it any easier.
And here I was, so smug that none of my chickens are jerks...non layers, but not jerks. I was wrong. Been wrong about so much with these birds and wrong again today. Tonight I went out at dusk to lock the girls up in the coop. Since I am confining them most of the day to prevent that coveted first egg from being laid under the deck, they have to stay in until 6 or so in the evening. At about 8:15 I noticed there were birds on the roost so I went to close the run door. I closed it, then peered in the window. Not enough birds. I looked closer....Midge and Shadow were MISSING! Frantically I scanned the yard. Normally the birds come running up to me when I come outside. They hear the door and come running as fast as their stubby little legs can carry them. No sign of them. Immediately a lump formed in my throat. NO. I couldn't be losing two like that. NO NO NO. I stood there, dumbfounded, and started to think about where they might be. Should I go look in my neighbor's yards? WHAT SHOULD I DO? I decided to first check the side of the yard they never go on. Maybe they were on the other side of the garage...I took two steps in that direction and heard something. A very soft cluck. It was coming from right next to me in the cedar, which is one of their favorite spots. I was about to bend over to look under it when I heard it again and zeroed in on where it was coming from.... Nice huh? Except they were 7 feet UP IN THE TREE. The coop is just to the left of the edge of the picture. Those JERKS. They scared the bejeepers out of me. I have no idea how they got up there. Well I mean yes, they flew up there but from the ground I can't figure out how they decided there was a spot for them to sit up there. That cedar doesn't have branches per say, it's more like a bush. I had to reach up and gently pluck them off their little nest and they were almost out of my reach and I'm 5'8. Those... [COLOR=FF0000]BAD![/COLOR] [COLOR=DAA520]BIRDS![/COLOR] Bout gave me a heart attack. I was SO sad when I thought for a moment they were gone.
Lol everyone of my friends hens (the friend that got me into chickens) roost in her lilac tree and she has 20! Lol at night it looks like a tree with feathers! Lol
:love what beauties!! Love the color of your baby far right. Ugh I have added and lost some too.. am buried in Pekin ducks! The stinkers dont brood. They lay in other birds nests!

Ribeye... I had a very hard learning experience with cows. Don't get any from anyone on craigslist. The scours were hard enough. If you clear bush, dont park the tractor near any animals pens. There is a lot of overgrown brush here, I work on it every day. Someone planted a bush called Japanese yew here. I cut the ugly thing down. Had A load of it in the wagon and parked it in the drive to the burn pile, next to the pasture. My goats and Baby Moo (ribeye) ate it while I ate lunch.The next morning Baby moo was dead. I killed him by my ignorance :( . I post this so anyone that raises cows knows to be very cautious.. painful, senseless loss of life. Upset me very much. I also lost a lil pigmy buck, my other goats were ok thankfully. I have since also removed any burning bush, also poison, from this property.

:hugs really miss you guys! hope you are well chickie!

Awww it will come, and soon! Think positive! they gotta learn where to put em and what they are doing lol!
How old are they?

What breed are they, some mature earlier? My OEGB matured at like 9 months. it varies a lot!
They are between 6-7 months and are 1 PR, 1RS, 1GS, 1GLW.
Hey Mortie.... Since we are waiting on the same thing to happen, and our girls are about the same age..... Are you going to buy layer feed the next time you buy or stick to finisher? I'm going to have to buy some more feed in about a week and I can't decide what to get.
I will keep feeding the all flock for now with oyster shell on the side and see how that goes. I think it's a little higher protein. If I am remembering that right, the girls might need that to beef up for the season that must not be named.
Well I went out to the coop to do the noon egg check and found an IOU in the nest box.

I give up.

As I was misting the run a little bit because it's 80 degrees and a bit humid today, I noticed a couple of areas in the run were kinda. scratched out. All the debris cleared and even made into a small depression. Who knows what that is about. Dust bathing, likely. I haven't been able to see who is doing it and how they are acting when they do.
Welcome savannah!!!!!!!
Thanks! Been reading this thread for a while...definitely the most entertaining thread on BYC! Glad to participate!
love the Pie! and for sure, Magic for working so quickly!

not rubbing it in mortie - just too pretty to keep to myself - you'll have eggs so soon!!
Love your basket of colors. Are those Marans eggs? The dark color adds such a contrast!
Well, we had an amazing thing happen this morning. It rained! In mid-July. Real actual rain, with lots of big drops and everything. It really was pouring. For all of 3 minutes.

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