Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

and of course guess who is broody.......BIG BROODY. She is such a "B". Anything for attention. Makes me sick. I might be taking a road trip soon. Gotta get outta here....
One of the EE's is laying a wonky egg, with flat sides.

The Blue cochins are getting big!

Some more of the babies, and the one guinea keet.

The escaped guinea keet..... about 25ft up in a pine!

Is this honey suckle? Or do you know what it is?

The flock is begging!

One of the EE's is laying a wonky egg, with flat sides.

The Blue cochins are getting big!

Some more of the babies, and the one guinea keet.

The escaped guinea keet..... about 25ft up in a pine!

Is this honey suckle? Or do you know what it is?

The flock is begging!

Not honeysuckle. A weed but can't identify yet
I can't read everything right now but I wanted to say..

OK!!!! I am so happy to see you. Good to have you around for reals instead of having to fill your absense with my daily homage to OK egg count posts...

Speaking of which....

The chicken sitter
Gets some eggs too!
From what I have heard
Today they laid two!
Hello friends. About 1400 post ago I stopped by to say hi. Life is good here in Kentucky. Roger hasn't missed a beat.......or meal. Convinced that she will grow old being the con artist she is. Missed talking to you guys and sorry for "deserting " you. News is I am pretty sure I have a...........BROODY. First one this year. Now to test those sex linked eggs. Will be posting additional info and setting eggs this evening after dark. What is the biggest news I missed? Going to the last post and reading backwards to see who is still around. More post to follow. Very soon. Roger has a opinion on the broody situation. I will let her explain
I have missed you so much! I was so worried about you too! Please don't do that again!
It is 80* in the house tonight. Crazy how when the sun goes down, the temperature in the house continues to go up. It wasn't even that warm today!
I managed to fix the coop door to the turkey pen and the main chicken coop. Both needed a latch and the bottom fixed. Cinder blocks for the turkeys The point is being able to move them when I need to rake the roost area, and the door clearing the "s" word this "w" word. And a board below the chicken coop door to keep bedding in.
Tomorrow I will have to burn stuff (I am a pyromaniac at heart! ) and clean out the old eggs from the fridge. They are fun to burn. They pop! I also have to dismantle the small pen that the turkey poults were using, and get that cleaned out. Oh, joy!
I have to move four straw bales first, and that is the part I am dreading the most.
Only eight eggs today. I think I need to worm the girls. See if that helps.
Night, everyone!

Seriously, OK. I am so glad you are alright.
OK! nice to hear from you! I can restock your mealy farm, mine's exploding! good luck with hatching - I have 7 chicks, 4 boys, 2 girls and 1 as yet identified... I'll be missing eggs over the winter... only 2 new layers and 1's a bantam
I'm starting to get hopeful that the final chipmunk chick is a pullet which would be a little boost to the numbers...

speaking of, 10 today... and a very nice afternoon outside with the flock and the regular routine - rain and chill over... social obligation over, not less stress at work, but I've gotten tougher... the office called at 2pm today to say that Ms So and So was having car trouble, they needed me to come back out and finish for her... sorry. nope. I let the flock out, no way to get them back in within a reasonable period of time considering I'm an hour away from where she is with the mail... which would leave me less than an hour to finish before the outgoing truck is dispatched... and she had 2 hours left. nope. nope. nope. felt good to say it. then I went back outside and lay down in the grass... g'nite all! morning is coming all to quickly!
Hey OK! Welcome back.
Missed hearing from you and Roger. We got a new cat last week that the shelter had named Roger
. We couldn't go there, so he's now called Henry (or Hank, or Thud). Actually Hub's father was a Roger, so we would have changed it anyway.
Good timing on the broody. You should get eggs from those chicks in early spring, or maybe even late winter, so less waiting! Hey, did Roger lay her egg in July?

Lindz, loved the pics and the little chicks. Your white EE is pretty! I was going to suggest you watch where the wayward keet roosted for the night and then grab it, but 25 feet up? Naw... Only raccoons go up that high.
Hope the little booger makes it through the night.

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