Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Hello friends. About 1400 post ago I stopped by to say hi. Life is good here in Kentucky. Roger hasn't missed a beat.......or meal. Convinced that she will grow old being the con artist she is. Missed talking to you guys and sorry for "deserting " you. News is I am pretty sure I have a...........BROODY. First one this year. Now to test those sex linked eggs. Will be posting additional info and setting eggs this evening after dark. What is the biggest news I missed? Going to the last post and reading backwards to see who is still around. More post to follow. Very soon. Roger has a opinion on the broody situation. I will let her explain

YAY!!!!! HEY OK!!!!

Awesome on the broody! Fingers crossed on those sex-linked eggs!

Can't wait to hear from Roger!
The news on Roger....OK the biggest news. As some of you know I raise meal worms. I keep them in a shed next to my coop. Lost track of Roger one evening while free ranging and she wiped out my meal worm farm. I estimate a couple thousand but it could be more. Surprised she didn't die but she is a professional glutton.....and a BR....same thing. Baseball size crop and top heavy she couldn't even get up on the roost. Needless to say the meal worm farm is bankrupt. And all just a big "misunderstanding" according to Roger
I have gotten two eggs from the same hen in one day. The day after I brought her home, She laid a thin shelled and a "rubber' egg hours apart. Stress seems to be the cause.
I guess the word egg is used loosely to refer to an incomplete egg as well. That's my mistake, sorry.
Lindz and Scramxbles good to see you guys still around. I see cheeka and W4W. Glad to see everybody. Going to read farther. If I missed anybody sorry. Looking forward to seeing all of you
Cooked it this morning and two large yolks.

Hmmm... my crippled Rumples has not laid an egg for a week now. One of the chicks jumps the gate to sleep with Rump and Rump seems to like the company. In the morning, Little Bit Jumps out to join the others. Rumples is healed, but bald from her attack by one of the big girls and she is in good spirits. Maybe electrolytes in the water will help a bit. I miss her blue/green eggs.

He is a lair. Big broody knocked that lid off and I tried to get her out of those meal worms. I get blamed for everything. There was only about 8 hundred left when I got there. I just took control of the situation and this is what I get.

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