Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

:) Whats the likelihood that I have 6 hens who never lay? My husband did say I couldn't buy a skelter until they laid an egg. He might have a point. I know my Pineapple WANTS to lay me an egg. she tells me so every day. Than'ts what "booooock bocck" means right?
:)  Whats the likelihood that I have 6 hens who never lay?  My husband did say I couldn't buy a skelter until they laid an egg. He might have a point.  I know my Pineapple WANTS to lay me an egg.  she tells me so every day. Than'ts what "booooock bocck" means right?  

It might mean we are eating the eggs when your not looking .... Lol
So tomorrow on top of a long day at work, I have school tomorrow night... Blah! So I have to go an entire day without watching chicken TV. I may be whiny by the time this semester is over. I have already had homework and haven't started class yet
I also will have to go an entire day without obsessively looking outside to see if anyone is laying an egg tomorrow. And the next day. And the next day. Rollin Rollin Rollin.

Quick, I think out of your 6 at least one will eventually lay an egg for you!
we had a great time at the fair, but I didn't get my face painted, couldn't talk him into getting his painted either... but I did get a really pretty hair clip... and when I got home, I collected 4 Eggs from the Fosters, I had 2 from the Dome from early morning, and was furious to open the lid and find half a dozen chickens in the nests actively eating the eggs! I managed to salvage ONE. so 7 for today and loads of sticky wet spots in the nests.

I have to start an hour earlier starting today. my lovely hour delay has been taken away
but the mail has been coming "on time" again for a while now, so... such is life. I'm not happy about it, my route is small enough to get it done with no impact on anyone to have the later start, but my PM who has been traveling to different offices for about a year, is back. and she's more interested in creating drama than keeping the office happy... she retires in 6 weeks and her replacement has already told me I can go back to the later start as soon as she's gone. so 6 weeks is livable. anyway... I got some nice pics and had a few "moments" with chickens... and a few conversations with children about bantams vs standards, meat and eggs... it was fun
I fell for this one, a Partridge Cochin, so gorgeous and very curious about the sounds I can make
this one fell for me, she was upset, and pacing... so I derped for her. this is her reaction - and what started a few conversations about chicken whispering

I want a goat.
Ugghh RAwley was such a pain last night and woke up at 4 wanting to go out. Unfortunately w my work schedule he's conditioned to wake up at 5 am but 4 this morning was just annoying. But I took him out. Threw him back in the crate and then went to sleep in the spare room so I wouldn't be disturbed.

The fence people called last week and wanted to come out but my husband wasn't able to be home so we had to reschedule. Hopefully it'll be done in the next couple of weeks. If Rawley keeps being a baby I might buy a dog house and throw him out there...not sued I can wait for the barn.

I'll he happy too once the fence is up cause the permanent run will be built and that means I can sleep later with out feeling bad that they are cooped up.

Patience!!!! Not something we're real good at here. Huh???

I wasn't bad... You should have let me sleep here instead of putting me in the crate!!
Cheeka- glad you had a good time!

ClindZ- holy Rawley. He is sure getting big. Maybe he wasn't feeling well? My dog doesn't fuss at night but boy if she does you better listen because she asks to be let out to throw up and I like it much better when she pukes outside.

Collected eggs yesterday and look what I found...a huge 110 gram (4.1 oz) egg from my sex link. Don't know how she got that one out...just glad she did.


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