Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I still can't imagine getting more than one egg a guys are killing me.

Lucy just laid her 10th perfect egg in a row. Is this unusual for a new layer? They have gone from 43 grams to today's 51 grams. Now it will be interesting to see how many in a row she lays before she takes a break.

I may yet get layer #2 today - one of the birds got in a nest and stirred it all up - not the nest that Lucy uses, and Lucy has never moved the straw around. I believe it was the Australorp, Wilma. She's small for an Australorp, but has a nice red comb and has squatted the last few days and they are all the same age. We shall see.
I still can't imagine getting more than one egg a guys are killing me.

Lucy just laid her 10th perfect egg in a row. Is this unusual for a new layer? They have gone from 43 grams to today's 51 grams. Now it will be interesting to see how many in a row she lays before she takes a break.

I may yet get layer #2 today - one of the birds got in a nest and stirred it all up - not the nest that Lucy uses, and Lucy has never moved the straw around. I believe it was the Australorp, Wilma. She's small for an Australorp, but has a nice red comb and has squatted the last few days and they are all the same age. We shall see.

From all the research I've done IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get more than one egg per chicken in 24 hours. It takes 23 hours to complete the process inside them.
From all the research I've done IT IS IMPOSSIBLE to get more than one egg per chicken in 24 hours. It takes 23 hours to complete the process inside them.

I should have said, "gather" more than one egg a day. I know a chicken lays roughly every 24 hours, unless a weird event like an incomplete egg falls out sooner.

I'm tired of gathering "egg", I need more!
good morning! today is my Sweetie's birthday and we're going to the Ag fair in a little bit - he should be here in a few minutes - all chores are done, and I have a nice brunch ready and a few nifty gifts. It's supposed to be a really nice day - still a bit grey out, but I see blue skies coming our way from the west... I'll have pics to post later for sure! this is the same fair that I took Mylee to last year, where she got that awesome face painting.

18 Eggs yesterday
My chicken hasn't read all the research so she doesn't know she's not supposed to lay more than one a day. She did, plain and simple. I check run and coop thoroughly several times a day so there is no way an egg escaped my attention. I am a maniac about it, just read back the last few weeks. Yesterday I got 4 brown eggs from my 3 brown egg layers. I know for a fact that one of them kicked out two eggs in one day. The second one was not good enough quality to keep but it was a step above a rubber egg, it did have some shell. Not a full thickness one. The part of the process that rakes the longest is shell formation so that makes sense.

Have fun cheeka! I hope you get your face painted!

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