Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Yay Mortie!!!
3 in one!

Sometimes when I wash a particularly yucky egg, the shell gets stained.
I don't give those ones away, but we still eat them. Just make sure washed eggs go in the fridge right away.
Today has been full of surprises, galore
Not sure how it happened
But today we laid FOUR

A while ago the birdies were kicking up a fuss outside (Penny screeching that someone was in the nest box) and I could see a brown chicken in the box but I figured it was Maggie dealing with her ranging hormones. Both Penny and Wilson spent some time in the box later the same day after they laid their first eggs. So I figured she just hadn't gotten the memo that the egg was laid already and was goofing off. I ignored it. Then I wondered if maybe one of the ameracaunas had done something interesting so after a bit I went out to peer into the next box.

Knock me over with a feather. A very thin shelled egg. Not blue. Its coating is almost non existent but it was intended to be a brown egg. It's still warm. It has a dent in it because the shell is so thin. There is a smear of blood on it, which I have read can be normal for newbies, and which almost leads me to suspect this egg came from poor Maggie. Maybe the egg in the run wasn't hers but Wilson's I know better than to suspect Penny, and it wouldn't be the first time Wil has dropped 2 eggs in a day) And THIS is Maggie's first egg. No idea, I guess we'll never know.

So yeah, FOUR eggs that have at least some shell on them in one day from THREE hens. I'm shocked.

Oh and before anyone asks, YES I am sure one wasn't from yesterday. Believe me. I am still on eggwatch for the ameracaunas and I spent all day yesterday on eggwatch for Maggie in particular because she was going nuts. I combed every inch of that coop and run several times yesterday and even went out at night with a flashlight to check for midnight rubber egg drops. This morning when I collected the first two, I looked VERY carefully. These all came today.
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chickens are using new coop and camper coop got first egg in new coop mon and everyday we have found a egg in same nest it is from bluie, got 14 13 were in camper coop today, but should start getting more next group date was last week, my little ones are due the 30th of this mth, then we will get a lot of them. h got egg yesterday and washed it off ,fell apart in his hand. grand daughter said great grand baby's crying to come see the chickens, I told her to bring them down before school starts I live in other state then my family do.
Oh yeah i wasgonna say., I thought Penny was a machine. Lucy can beat her with one wing tied behind her back. Penny has taken one day a week off so far.
OMG you got 4 in one day! I simply can't imagine that. It's really getting hot here, upper 90's, so that may delay the others laying. I keep expecting Lucy to take a day off, but not so far.

I predicted another would lay by tomorrow, maybe not.

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