Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Oh CL do be careful. Sometimes soft tissue injuries take forever to heal. Be kind to your poor foot!

Shadow refuses to join in the fun
She doesn't seem to want to lay even one!
Everyone else must take up the slack
But one of these days, they're going to get her back
For 6 eggs in a day, we still must strive
But as for today, today we laid five

Oh CL do be careful. Sometimes soft tissue injuries take forever to heal. Be kind to your poor foot!

Shadow refuses to join in the fun
She doesn't seem to want to lay even one!
Everyone else must take up the slack
But one of these days, they're going to get her back
For 6 eggs in a day, we still must strive
But as for today, today we laid five

WoW Mortie!! That's is one heck of a good day.
I am not sure how many mine laid today, but my guess is 3.
Nugget, Penny and Jemma. With Jemma laying a thin shelled and broken egg. Oh well......
She will get the hang of it soon. Anything that I get from Rumples is a bonus egg.
I haven't given an egg report here because it's just too sad. Have 9 big girls left, and between mites, deaths, old age/quitting, molting, and broodiness, I have only ONE still laying. My EE. But we can't eat the egg because I dosed everyone with Frontline to combat the mites.

Monkey is proof that EEs are awesome!

Of course, I still have 8 layers in the bantam coop. Broodiness is rampant there as well. Only one Cochin lays reliably and a Serama egg shows up every couple of days. At that rate we might be able to make a tiny omelet by the end of the month.

Lindz and Clindz, hope your ouchies feel better soon.
Today when I got home from work Aretha, my black australorp seemed to have grown big, bright red wattles during the day. I think this is a sign that she will be laying soon. She is almost 21 weeks old and it seems I have been waiting forever for eggs!!
I haven't given an egg report here because it's just too sad. Have 9 big girls left, and between mites, deaths, old age/quitting, molting, and broodiness, I have only ONE still laying. My EE. But we can't eat the egg because I dosed everyone with Frontline to combat the mites.

Monkey is proof that EEs are awesome!

Of course, I still have 8 layers in the bantam coop. Broodiness is rampant there as well. Only one Cochin lays reliably and a Serama egg shows up every couple of days. At that rate we might be able to make a tiny omelet by the end of the month.

Lindz and Clindz, hope your ouchies feel better soon.
The studies I read about frontline was that it did not get into the egg--only stayed in the skin.

I would eat them(actually I have).
You are pretty far north so you may have to do some supplemental lighting this time of year. Make sure they have 14+ hours of light a day along with a good diet and access to calcium (oyster shell and/or crushed egg shell). You should see some eggs very soon.
Question for you. Have 12 hens that are less than a year, and we're laying machines from 20 weeks on. My barred rocks hen went broody, and all hens stopped laying ever since. Is this common? I add artifical light since the change in season happened about the same time. Could the broody hen be the cause for the egg strike?
Hehe.... Scrambles might be onto something. I did just come back from Colorado, after all.
<- that guy has the munchies.

We get 4-5 most days so most of them lay every day. I can't remember the last time we didn't get 3 brown eggs... I think it's only happened once since we've been back. Then it's 1-2 blues. Then Shadow that doesn't lay.

Speaking of the devil, she is REALLY being awful to Maggie today. She's jumping on her back and chasing her around. Maggie is acting stressed but I looked her over and I don't see anything wrong with her. I'm afraid they're going to wind up killing her overnight.

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