Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

We got Bob white quail. Just started with 4 females to 1 male to see how they do. I have heard the eggs are lower in cholesterol and the meat is fantastic. My husband is wanting to hatch eggs so I told him we were doing chicken eggs too! We don't have a rooster so I will need to buy some local fertile eggs.
Yes, I've heard that about the low cholesterol, and depending on breed, they'll start laying by 8 weeks! Good feed conversion too. I'm interested to hear how they do. The bobwhites are supposed to have a very pretty call, but the feed store here only sells coturnix. Got any pics?
Wow... I have lots to catch up on. I need ADVICE!!!! We were gone for the weekend and found 6 eggs. (yay!) Here is the question. Should I toss the eggs? They were 2.5 days old (at most) and the temps were in the 80's. Thanks!!
They will be fine. Eggs can sit out for a couple of weeks without problems.

The float test will work:

Sinks is good and fresh.
floats at an angel is ok
floats all the way up is a tosser.
Well, I face planted going into the chicken coop last night trying not to get rained on. I have a big scrape on my arm and a big knot below my knee. At least it wasn't in the run or I may have been attacked before I could have gotten up! Lol.... needless to say I am sore this morning!

I have no doubt that my hens would eat my eyes out if I passed out in front of them.
Oh I'd eat them too Srambles!

Lindz I feel your pain... I tripped yesterday but instead of falling I caught myself but twisted my foot in my slip on sneakers. I couldn't walk yesterday on it. Today is much better but still a little pain. Tomorrow will be going to Zumba!

Well my roosters are on craigslist and BYC for sale. I wanted to keep at least 1 frizzled but both of the frizzled have been mean to squirt so they need to go so squirt can be let out of broody camp!

10 eggs today! Which I need as I have no surplus!
Lindz and Clindz.... ouchie Ladies!!
Congrats to all of the new layers (myself included). I am still waiting on the Ameraucanas to lay, but I bet that it will be several more weeks. The chicks are 20 weeks old now.

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