Should I buy eggs or wait it out?


We had a rare visitor today. Bucks don't normally come up to us but... if you look real close, he has one antler. The other one never grew in. He was sharing grapes with the girls. We call him 50Cent. :D

You know... half a buck. Ha!
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Very emotional day for me. I had not seen my niece in two months. She was next door a lot, but I can't get an honest answer as to why she wasn't here. I am supposed to see her a lot this week, and overnight this weekend.
ha! What a clever name scrambles and what a great picture.

MC - Hope there is no family drama and you can enjoy a nice up-coming visit with your niece.

Getting ready to go into a meeting with the lady who is being mean and my boss who is being a weeny! Hopefully I'll have a job still after this. Sooo frustrating!
Scrambles, that is an awesome photo and I got the joke behind the name right away!
way back... (a year and a half ago...) when Peach brooded the first time, and hatched one chick out of three eggs... it turned out to be a barred rock. but because his Pops was an EE, he's only half rock. so I named him Pebble. I'll get a new pic of him this month. he's a beauty.

MC, she's an absolute doll! I hope you have the best visit - the heck with the family drama, it's all about you and baby time!

Good Luck CLindz! we're transitioning in our office, PM is retiring and we will be remotely managed by the PM from another town. there's a bit of drama being kicked around, schedule changes, interfering with a 3rd offices ability to have me as a relief carrier... I'll straighten him out asap. either that, or he can fire me. I don't care. 1, I can go to the union and get my job back bc he'd be firing me for not doing someone else's job, or 2, I can sit at home and collect unemployment which I would surely win as I'd only be fired... for not doing someone else's job.

AND!!! Gossy has 7 chicks! I don't think the last two eggs will hatch, but she hasn't quit on them yet. I handled them delicately, but one was literally inside another eggshell that had been hatched, and the other feels light. I'll give her a few more hours, then I'll do the float/sink test. the pics are currently downloading, I will post them in a few minutes

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