Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I looked again just now, but is was raining and I was juggling an umbrella and flashlight! (The chickens think I'm crazy.) Luckily Grumpus was roosting closest to the door, so I pawed through her backside feathers and around her tail and under her right wing. (She was not happy.) Couldn't see any clumps of eggs, and her skin is clean and smooth, but the feathers seem to be disintegrating, as if something is chewing them. Just what you'd think feather mites would do. Very strange. I'll check again tomorrow and dust her just in case.

The site won't let me use the smileys and the page freezes so I have to use Esc key.

Cynthia12 is a good egg. But darn, I was hoping you knew how to do it! (cheesy grin)
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Cheeka, so glad you were home to put out the fire. That would have made for a dreadful Christmas. I only got one egg today too. A Serama egg. One bite!

We haven't had any serious rain since both the coops were completed and roofed. Now were making up for it! The bantam run is holding up well, only one small drip and the coop is tight. Big girls' coop is leaking a bit more and their run is a disaster. Last years tarp is not up to the job. I'm planning a wooden frame for some corrugated plastic roofing and we'll just attach it over the whole thing. Sounds easy, huh? We'll see!
7 eggs!!! I feel very lucky but know they are wearing themselves out by not taking a break! Phyllis and the EE are totally on hiatus but squirt, my comet, a couple of the BCM and some OE are taking turns laying for me.

I actually have 4 doz in the garage. My family will be so happy when they get eggs for Christmas!!
Hey guys! Last appt for the week down! Unfortunately it wasn't the greatest. Abby is going to have to have surgery in January to close an umbilical hernia. She has had it since she was born. It is much better than it was but it didn't close internally. They actually won't even look at them until they are 4, so now that she is, they want to close it.
I got 1 egg today. I didn't get to spend any time with them today.
Quote: It did get in the single digits a few days, then we have had 40s last couple weeks. November was colder than december! We are in central IN.

Its DHs 62 birthday today and we are headed to the casino to celebrate with friends. There we can party like rock stars and then stumble to our rooms. No driving involved.
Its a sunny day today, but we are headed for a cool down and maybe a little snow. That's ok. I really do love a white Christmas. now.... if I can only find the gifts that I bought.
Hope he had a fantastic party! The only time of year I want snow is Christmas eve lol!

jchny, just think of it as perpetual Easter at your place. You get to have an egg hunt every day!

Happy birthday to Mr. Scrambles! Hope you don't loose your shirt at the casino.

Hubby returned from his trip last night. We are going out to get a tree. Hope there are some left!
you aren't kidding!!
Hope you find a lovely tree, bet he is tired.

My computer kicked me off... so....
I think that this egg is Little Bits first egg. It was in the pen with Rumples and a nest has been dug out in the sleeping box. Thin shelled and broken. I don't think it's from Rump. Her eggs are darker and I doubt that she will ever lay again. The Ameraucanas are 33 weeks old now.
Congrats! They will get better!
I'm in shock! Ratchet came up to me for lovins today! Normally he shys away from me, but will go right up to hubby and the kids. It was a nice surprise.
3 eggs today. I'm wondering if I don't have a hidden nest somewhere..... who knows where to even begin to look for it though. I checked under the coop and in the smaller coop but none there. I guess, it could be in the woods somewhere.
Crazy busy week ahead. Doctors appts and then my birthday is Saturday and Hubby's and his twin brother's is the 23rd.... then of course Christmas!

Wow busy month for you! I hope Ratchet settles in. And happy HAPPY birthday if I don't make it on the next few days!!
Ratchet must have known we were talking trash about Heelers around poultry and is trying to kiss up!

Early happy birthday wishes, Lindz. You sure have an extra busy holiday with all the celebrations.

I got 1 Silkie and 1 Serama egg today.
That's about 3 whole bites of scrambled egg.

Something strange is going on with my SLWyandotte (hatchery). She had a really hard molt that started a couple of months ago. For a while she was pretty bald and then she looked like a porcupine with all the pin feathers. Thought she was just slower than all the others growing those feathers back, but she looks so raggedy. Most of the feathers she's grown have the fuzzy fluff part, but the outer ends of the feathers are incomplete. There's only a little bit of the webbed portion of the feather in some areas and much of her just looks white and fuzzy. I checked her over really well for mites, but she's clean as a whistle. Has anybody ever seen something like this? Looks like she's been gnawed on by a dog. When it stops raining, I'll get a picture.
I had several older hatchery girls with bad molts, I have kinda become a home for wayward birds with all the rezoning in the state recently.. One I even brought inside, she was nothing but pins. (BA hen).

A beautiful and perfect 47 gram egg from Little Bit. Joy!

Lovely color CONGRATS

Thanks Ron. She wasn't wormed and gets extra protein. I didn't see any mites, but will have to look again when some one can help hold the flishlight.

It is POURING here! The gutters are overflowing! We must be under one of those orange-red zones on the colored weather maps.
Please keep the power on. Please keep the power on.
I hope you are high up and safe, I keep seeing mudslides

popping by to say hi! we're good up here, 2' of heavy snow fell, power surges killed the desktop computer but the furnace survived the blasting currents, one of my surge protectors exploded, lit the carpet on fire, but I was right there, so just a good scorch mark and nothing more. the new roof on the back pen is perfect... only little Esther is laying, but she hardly ever skips a day... work is insane for another 10 days. I'm pooped, but getting just enough flock time to keep me going!
stay warm and heres a
for your electric too! Thats a lotta snow. Thats so scary to have a fire. Glad you are safe and well!

Quote: They are. I had a case in 1 rooster, who would not dust bathe coincidentally.. Red. The shafts were all bare when I realized what was going on with him. Felt just awful!
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Hey guys! Last appt for the week down! Unfortunately it wasn't the greatest. Abby is going to have to have surgery in January to close an umbilical hernia. She has had it since she was born. It is much better than it was but it didn't close internally. They actually won't even look at them until they are 4, so now that she is, they want to close it.
I got 1 egg today. I didn't get to spend any time with them today.

We have a Rileys childrens hospital here that is so good helping the little ones through the trauma of a surgery. Its good they are acting on it, but so very scary! My thoughts are with you and your family.
We have the barn about 1/3rd of the way clean. DH is going to start constructing breeding coops! Dad "gave" us the barn, and said he won't be needing it anymore. its a 63x40 and 14' ceiling, concrete floors. Ahhhhh no more changing oil in the rain! We are turning the 2-1/2 car garage into Dads "mancave" so he has his own space in case he still wants to tinker. I am putting a monitor in so if he needs help I will know. He mostly spends a few minutes a day outside.
No more egg hunts next spring I hope, I want to secure better housing for my turkeys first tho. I keep midget white and bourbon reds, both are so docile they tend to not assert themselves at dinner. I finally added a 250lb feeder to my main coop area to be 100% sure everyone can eat when they want. I still offer fermented feed as a treat, but it will freeze in the winter. Its more a daily treat for them til spring.
Indiana has had so many changes on keeping poultry, livestock in general. Its pretty sad to see Communities losing their right to have fresh eggs from the chickens they raise and keep; Its not just here either. Some major cities allow it, even welcome folks to learn! And small communities are taking it away. I have had a lot of birds come here this last year that had to be rehomed due to these changes.

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