Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

hey guys, sorry I've been MIA again.

Lindz - you feeling better? I have been feeling kinda like you. Just very blah and also we've had an avalanche of money things this month and it's a bit stressful.

Clinda - I lived in England for a year when I was 17/18. My mom had moved there a few years prior and I thought I'd try it out before I was too old to move there on the basis of being a minor going to live with my parent. It was nice.

Cheeka - yikes on the fire. Way to catch it quick!

Scrambles - that's an adorable egg!

Everyone else, I am so far behind I'm sorry, I'll try keep up. I read everything, and even when I'm not around I still think of you all. Ah, my chicken friends!

We've had several thousand dollars in unexpected expenses in the last month. It's been pretty stressful. A lot of that is the dog. I don't know what is going on with her. We were at the end of the road, no more tests we could do. They showed something was wrong but not what, and if you recall, her belly had filled up with fluid and it was horrible. Without having really any other sensible course of action to take, we decided to just see how she did and she has been fine and stable for over a week. This defies explanation. Christmas miracle? Who knows. It's nice that she is feeling ok but man that was sure expensive and I fee like it's not over. There was definitely something very bad going on with her. Oh well, she's doing ok for now.

Chickens have been good, but not laying much. We haven't had a blue egg in weeks and we get 1-2 brown eggs a day usually. Don't bother much with free range because they don't want to walk in the snow. We've had some freak warm weather recently which I'm sure they enjoyed but it just made their run super muddy...looking at my phone I guess it's frozen back up again. Good. Back to the way things ought to be lol.
Welcome back Mortie! Good to here from you. Boo to the unexpected expenses but yay to the dog feeling better!

We've shelled out extra money on this stupid barn due to township regulations on needing to have an access rd. So we had to put it on the other side and of all sorts of grading.

Goats are moving in on sat an will most likely be living in the garage for a day as hubby finished the floor of the barn.

Goats in the garage, chickens in the shower.... Geee once everyone is where they are suppose to be I'll have a clean house again!!!

Christmas w my family is this weekend which adds a little stress as I am not done shopping and have no time.

Oh well.... It keeps me moving that's for sure!!!

Lindz when is the surgery? I'm assuming after the holiday season?
I looked again just now, but is was raining and I was juggling an umbrella and flashlight! (The chickens think I'm crazy.) Luckily Grumpus was roosting closest to the door, so I pawed through her backside feathers and around her tail and under her right wing. (She was not happy.) Couldn't see any clumps of eggs, and her skin is clean and smooth, but the feathers seem to be disintegrating, as if something is chewing them. Just what you'd think feather mites would do. Very strange. I'll check again tomorrow and dust her just in case.

The site won't let me use the smileys and the page freezes so I have to use Esc key.

Cynthia12 is a good egg. But darn, I was hoping you knew how to do it! (cheesy grin)
How is this one?

For those that asked Abby's surgery is January 29th. There was no way I was going to try to keep her quiet during Christmas! It should take less than an hour, and she will come home the same day. The surgeon said that basically we will just have to keep her quiet over the weekend (surgery is on Thursday) and by
the first of the following week she should be ok to get back to normal as she feels like it.
It is always a relief to get on here and de-stress with you all!
Mortie I think things are settling down. We weren't able to do as much for Christmas as we had hoped, but spending the time with family will be enough!
1 egg yesterday and there were 2 already this morning. I think the Golden comets are getting back to laying as they are all decent sized brown eggs. I'm still wondering if they have a hidden nest somewhere in the yard or edge of the woods.
For those that asked Abby's surgery is January 29th. There was no way I was going to try to keep her quiet during Christmas! It should take less than an hour, and she will come home the same day. The surgeon said that basically we will just have to keep her quiet over the weekend (surgery is on Thursday) and by
the first of the following week she should be ok to get back to normal as she feels like it.
It is always a relief to get on here and de-stress with you all!
Mortie I think things are settling down. We weren't able to do as much for Christmas as we had hoped, but spending the time with family will be enough!
1 egg yesterday and there were 2 already this morning. I think the Golden comets are getting back to laying as they are all decent sized brown eggs. I'm still wondering if they have a hidden nest somewhere in the yard or edge of the woods.
That is a great plan, It would be bad to miss Christmas due to a surgery.

How old are the golden comets?
We have the barn about 1/3rd of the way clean. DH is going to start constructing breeding coops! Dad "gave" us the barn, and said he won't be needing it anymore. its a 63x40 and 14' ceiling, concrete floors. Ahhhhh no more changing oil in the rain! We are turning the 2-1/2 car garage into Dads "mancave" so he has his own space in case he still wants to tinker. I am putting a monitor in so if he needs help I will know. He mostly spends a few minutes a day outside.
No more egg hunts next spring I hope, I want to secure better housing for my turkeys first tho. I keep midget white and bourbon reds, both are so docile they tend to not assert themselves at dinner. I finally added a 250lb feeder to my main coop area to be 100% sure everyone can eat when they want. I still offer fermented feed as a treat, but it will freeze in the winter. Its more a daily treat for them til spring.
Indiana has had so many changes on keeping poultry, livestock in general. Its pretty sad to see Communities losing their right to have fresh eggs from the chickens they raise and keep; Its not just here either. Some major cities allow it, even welcome folks to learn! And small communities are taking it away. I have had a lot of birds come here this last year that had to be rehomed due to these changes.

That's so sad. My sister bought a house in a nearby town and was thinking of taking a couple of Serama hens as pets, but there is an absolute NO LIVESTOCK policy there. Maybe we will have to do something about that!
For those that asked Abby's surgery is January 29th. There was no way I was going to try to keep her quiet during Christmas! It should take less than an hour, and she will come home the same day. The surgeon said that basically we will just have to keep her quiet over the weekend (surgery is on Thursday) and by
the first of the following week she should be ok to get back to normal as she feels like it.
It is always a relief to get on here and de-stress with you all!
Mortie I think things are settling down. We weren't able to do as much for Christmas as we had hoped, but spending the time with family will be enough!
1 egg yesterday and there were 2 already this morning. I think the Golden comets are getting back to laying as they are all decent sized brown eggs. I'm still wondering if they have a hidden nest somewhere in the yard or edge of the woods.
Never a dull moment! If it's any comfort, my brother had surgery for an umbilical hernia when he was little, and everything went fine, no lasting trauma and quick healing.
And that was 50 yrs ago. Much better nowadays I expect.
Oh thank you! Should I thank Cynthia12 too?
Cynthia said she used a web site called piZap so I used the site to edit your avatar picture. You can save it to your computer and change your avatar picture to it. After Christmas, you can switch back to the old one.
For those that asked Abby's surgery is January 29th. There was no way I was going to try to keep her quiet during Christmas! It should take less than an hour, and she will come home the same day. The surgeon said that basically we will just have to keep her quiet over the weekend (surgery is on Thursday) and by

the first of the following week she should be ok to get back to normal as she feels like it.

It is always a relief to get on here and de-stress with you all!

Mortie I think things are settling down. We weren't able to do as much for Christmas as we had hoped, but spending the time with family will be enough!

1 egg yesterday and there were 2 already this morning. I think the Golden comets are getting back to laying as they are all decent sized brown eggs. I'm still wondering if they have a hidden nest somewhere in the yard or edge of the woods.

That is a great plan, It would be bad to miss Christmas due to a surgery.

How old are the golden comets?

They will be 2 in April.

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