Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Wow, this thread has been busy,
The rain has mainly stopped but it's still cold outside and there are no signs of snow. Because of this I gathered lots of logs from surrounding fields and made a pile for them to play of, hopefully it will bring bugs. I also shoveled lots of leaves on to help make it less muddy and they love digging through them.
The girls are still laying two a day and the little girl have gotten pink..... Yup, they are supposedly 22 weeks today and there combs have gone a very pale pink - I'm seriously doubting their ages........
My Christmas wish this year is for rumples to be able to walk again, also to have enough land for a goat, but that's unlikely lol
Cheeky that suprize party bit for Lindz was soooo funny.
We have sun today for the first time in a couple of weeks! The chickens are all running around happy, and you can practically see the grass growing. Dec. has been very mild for us, most days in the upper 50s-low 60s. Now that the days are getting longer I'm hoping a few of the big girls start laying again... sometime... kind of soon. I have been hoarding eggs, but we are running low. Guess I will have to buy some for the little bit of baking I want to do. Save the good ones for eating.
We have sun today for the first time in a couple of weeks! The chickens are all running around happy, and you can practically see the grass growing. Dec. has been very mild for us, most days in the upper 50s-low 60s. Now that the days are getting longer I'm hoping a few of the big girls start laying again... sometime... kind of soon. I have been hoarding eggs, but we are running low. Guess I will have to buy some for the little bit of baking I want to do. Save the good ones for eating.

One of my Pita Pintas layed her first egg today!

OE, Arkansas Blue and Pita Pinta:

A new layer! That's wonderful, Ron. Gives me hope! Beautiful colors too!

The 3 pullets I got this fall are doing well. 2 orps and a marans. They have such wonderful calm temperaments, I am considering adding them to the bantam coop. I think some of the older hens in my laying flock will be a bit too much for the sweeties. Right now, those 3 pullets are in the garage at night and roaming the yard during the day. They come running to say hello when I go out, even though I don't give them treats (because the dogs are out with them and I don't want trouble). When it gets dark they head into the garage and hang out with the dogs until I put them away. So easy! And the big dog cleans up any treats that get left on the garage floor.
I know, but I don't have to clean it up!
Saturday was my birthday and no pics. We don't really do anything for my birthday. Hubby's and his twin brother's birthday is tomorrow. We're going to have supper here and do Christmas with hubby's family since they are leaving to go back to SC Christmas eve. I will try to grab some pictures tomorrow!
In chicken news we are still getting 2-3 eggs per day.The EE that just started laying a little bit ago has eieither stopped laying or has a hidden nest somewhere. I don't know where though because I haven't let them out of the run for the past few days and she isn't one that flies the coop!

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