Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Details and more pictures!!
The microwave took a dump this morning, so off to WallyWorld I went. I bought myself a new one, so my trip to Cabelas had to go on the backburner.
How did we ever survive without a microwave in the past? Remember heating leftovers in the oven? TV dinners took 40 minutes to heat. I really need to go back in time. We need to. Our kids and grandkids would be happier and healthier. OK.... I am off my soap box.
The larger one is mom! Her name is luna. The other is Trixie. She is about 5 months. They are both fat!!!! They are Nigerian dwarfs. My friend Bonnie bred luna for me and since she only had a single I took both mom and baby. Trixie has the prettiest blue eyes. I'll get more pictures tomorrow.
psst - don't forget! we're celebrating tonight!

okay, just hide in here and shhh! we want it to be a surprise!

now Baby, you are the lookout!! we're counting on you!!


Happy Birthday Lindz!!!!!
Lots of Love!!!
I got my very first microwave 6 years ago. I hate it, except for reheating coffee and cooking frozen vegetables. outside of those 2 things, it's unused and gets dusty.
I got my very first microwave 6 years ago. I hate it, except for reheating coffee and cooking frozen vegetables. outside of those 2 things, it's unused and gets dusty.

They are great for defrosting frozen stuff
melting chocolate
baking potatoes for 5 min. and then popping them into an oven to crisp the skins--Ready in about 20 minutes. Faster if you like soft skins
melting butter for baking things like corn bread
Pop corn--I use a popper and not those pop in a bag things--too much bpa in them
And of course reheating things like coffee and etc.

The odd thing about them is you do not realize how much you use one until you do not have it. You will believe me when yours breaks some day.
When we go camping, there is no nuker. We make cowboy coffee and reheat in the fire. Kinda like a computer.... you really don't need it, but oh how we whine when it isn't there. But then again.... when we are in the woods, I do not miss it.
I gave the girls scrambled eggs this morning. It is oddly warm out.
FOUR!!!! Can you believe it?? But.... I am not sure who laid the olive egg. It was in the pen with Rumples and as far as I know.... Rumples isn't laying. And when she does... her eggs are more aqua colored. Lil Bit lays a bright blue egg and Minnie P does lay an olive egg, but she never jumps the gate to visit with Rump. Or..... I am totally confused.
that's my guess.... old and clueless I am....

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