Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I don't intend to have drama on here, but I feel close to you guys.
Dave showed up today. I didn't cry when I saw him (yeay me!) and things were scary.
He's sitting outside in his uncle's truck waiting for a friend to come with a bike trailer. The bike won't turn over. So I've come up with excuses to go out and talk. Nothing is "awesome" but things are getting discussed.
Btw, he doesn't understand why I don't have chickens and turkeys again. (Eyes bulging and jaw on the ground). I was supposed to read his mind, and go ahead with farming.
Now... What do I want? I can get some of my turkey's eggs or my chickens' eggs for free. Or! I can adopt some extra pullets/hens people have. Do I want to choose a breed, and just focus on them?
I think I want three turkey hens and a tom, plus four chicken hens and pick a free rooster "just because".
keep your chin up. we pray only for your happyness, things have a way of working out for the better,
I went home on my lunch break to make sure the snake had not returned, and it had! It was waiting patiently in one of the nesting boxes, while the Dominquer was laying in the next one over. I think the snake's meal had been interrupted, as there was a broken BCM egg (which my Dominiquer was eating...sure hope that doesn't lead to bad habits!!!!) in the box. This time, there was no one else home. I had to step up (or call my neighbor, but I didn't want to risk embarrassing him if he had a snake phobia too). I put on a big jacket and gloves, and used my son's grabber to pull it out of the nesting boxes and put it in a bucket with a lid on it.

Then I had to decide what to do with it. I didn't want to kill it, because, well I'm a wimp. I could have left it in the bucket for DH, but that would have been 5-6 hours away, and that seemed pretty cruel to the snake. So I took it to the marsh about a mile away and released it. No houses nearby and lots of trees. It will be a miracle if it finds it's way back to my house...and if it does, I will kill it, but I hope I don't have to. This was a major victory! Yay me!


blue honey!

no free range! plus it's wanting to rain... (and it did a little)

23 Eggs today

there were more eggs... I only managed to grab 2 from this nest... those pigs are eating them! I'm so annoyed, I'll be putting marble eggs in this nest for a week! they only just started using it again...

I saw Betty leave the area... I know she didn't eat any. she's squawking at me like she's telling me how hard she worked to lay the egg that the rest just ate.

Esther has become more relaxed, but she still suspects that I will take her eggs. she stands up if I get too close, so I haven't been able to really indulge her with hand fed treats. she gets up, eats and drinks, takes enormous poops... so she's good.
Cool egg, Marie! Love the speckles. I still get excited when I get eggs from the girls. It doesn't wear off! Welcome kdolly! We'll keep you company while you're waiting for those eggs. Two little occasional banty eggs just isn't enough! :) gilcamp, 31 eggs in one day! WOW! Frittata time!
Savannamom- Chickens alerted to a gopher snake that was heading out of their run one afternoon. It was about 4 ft, and I was happy to see it since they really do keep the gophers from taking over. Well, I was happy until I read your post about garter snakes eating eggs. Yup, sure enough, eggs are part of a gopher snake diet too. :/ Don't mind sacrificing a bantam egg now and then to keep the snake around, as long it doesn't bother the chickens. Poor thing only had one eye too. Wonder if the chickens got it.
Thanks!! At this rate maaaaybe I'll have a couple eggs to due for next easter lol
Cheeka, FANTABULOUS photos once again. Especially love the bees! Have to ask, though, who has been picking Esther's head? Poor girl.

Savannahmom is the Snake Whisperer!
I keep looking for my gopher snake, but haven't seen it again. It's the jays that are eating my eggs. Cannibals!!
Congratulations Marie!  what a beautiful egg!  I'm with ron, I would blow it.  I still have my very first egg's shell.  it's so tiny...

kdolly - :frow :welcome  - that sounds like something that would happen to me... every time I hand pick chicks... 3 out of 4 will be boys.  :fl  your girl will hopefully lay you a beauty within a month

MC, always!  hope all is well! :hugs

Funny thing is I didn't hand pick them!! Hah! Oh well. Two of the Roos I've had have been jerks anyways. I've got 3 ameraucana chicks just a couple weeks old. Let's cross fingers they're not all Roos!!!

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