Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Too bad about your Pene. What's that phrase about not having enough sense to come in out of the rain? Guess it applies to the sun too. Poor girl.

We hit 100 yesterday, and I think I was worse off than the chickens, although some got pretty hot, especially the older ones. I water the ground under the trees for them, especially the grapefruit tree which gives solid shade. They like to hang out there and cool their tootsies. Luckily #1son had an orthodontic appointment, so we had a good excuse to jump in the car and crank up the AC. Don't have it for the house. Today is supposed to be hotter, but we're getting a bit thin cloud cover and it cuts the burning rays a bit. Still need to water for the big girls today (85 at 11am). I have about 6-7 broody bantams that are driving me nuts! Been caging them for a couple of weeks, but they still run back to the nest if given the chance. Broody madness!!!
Just saw that Secret Service is adding sharp "anti-climb" spikes to the top of the fence around the White House. Looking at all that beautiful green lawn there, I think they should get a big herd of geese instead. Or emu! Nobody would get past emus! Poultry Protective Service will save the day! And cheaper too. When they retire, no pensions required, just put them out to pasture. Literally.
Too bad about your Pene. What's that phrase about not having enough sense to come in out of the rain? Guess it applies to the sun too. Poor girl.

We hit 100 yesterday, and I think I was worse off than the chickens, although some got pretty hot, especially the older ones. I water the ground under the trees for them, especially the grapefruit tree which gives solid shade. They like to hang out there and cool their tootsies. Luckily #1son had an orthodontic appointment, so we had a good excuse to jump in the car and crank up the AC. Don't have it for the house. Today is supposed to be hotter, but we're getting a bit thin cloud cover and it cuts the burning rays a bit. Still need to water for the big girls today (85 at 11am). I have about 6-7 broody bantams that are driving me nuts! Been caging them for a couple of weeks, but they still run back to the nest if given the chance. Broody madness!!!
Yes, it was like that with her not going to the shade.

I have two broodies that are doing fine so far.

It looks like we will be a bit cooler that predicted--the Delta Breeze is coming in.
my new babies and their new mommy, just got them from auction, the eggs mommy sat on did nothing it has been 29 days so we helped her, so fa so good

so sweet gilcamp! I bet she's happy to finally have some babies!

my 2 indoor babies are doing great, the injured chick is healing beautifully, even has fuzz growing back. I thought she might be shy some facial feathers as a result, but I guess youth was on her side!

it looks like we might be getting a break from the rain. not that it will be nice and summery or anything... overcast skies tomorrow and Friday, more rain on Saturday, but the extended shows Sunday to be clear and bright. I might risk free range. they're itching to get outside. I need to cut the grass, we'll see... I haven't been able to mow the lawn for over 2 weeks.
Glad to hear the little one's are doing so well Cheeka....Yep understand your plight with the rain.....we've had maybe one good day of sunshine....lots of bad weather yesterday...hopefully tomorrow will bring us all some sun & time in the yard!!! :)

Gilcamp4, They are adorable....congrats!
Just saw that Secret Service is adding sharp "anti-climb" spikes to the top of the fence around the White House. Looking at all that beautiful green lawn there, I think they should get a big herd of geese instead. Or emu! Nobody would get past emus! Poultry Protective Service will save the day! And cheaper too. When they retire, no pensions required, just put them out to pasture. Literally.
great idea...
The sun stayed out this evening, and I was able to let the flock out. Sturgis was sniffing Bonnie's bottom, and she didn't even care. About ten minutes later, they were bickering about something(flying up) so I told Sturgis to get them. He ran over to them, and then returned to me. Next thing I know, I am watching as he is stalking the chickens. Not very well, mind you. But when he chased them, he stayed near them, and they didn't care. He did it again a while later. Very funny, but only because he is playing, and they aren't really phased by it.

healing beautifully. having some tomato - loved it!

all 7! except one on the right, you can only see its beak, but it's a brown one.

the blonde chick up in the right corner above and the one poking out in the photo below is the same chick, darting back and forth under Esther.

the other two are already in "bed"

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