Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Next weekend my hen will be 20 weeks or so, getting close. And when did my chickens turn into dogs? As soon as I round the corner they come running and I feel bad when I don't have anything for them.
I can't feed them treats all the time!
Next weekend my hen will be 20 weeks or so, getting close. And when did my chickens turn into dogs? As soon as I round the corner they come running and I feel bad when I don't have anything for them.
I can't feed them treats all the time!

hahaha..Karl I so know what you original 4 did the same little puppys my BF would laugh like crazy, he called me the pied piper of chickens...all they had to do was hear the backdoor open and there they came....if it was him, they would stop, if it was me.....pushing and shoving....LOL...sure you can feed them treats....just not so much,...they love even a little bit....i always have something for them when I let them out in the morning...half a crumbled pancake...piece of fresh corn...they don't care...good luck with the upcoming eggs!!! fingers crossed for ya! xxxxxxx

and just like like pets on the back and you pick them up?
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No Debby, I don't have a lot of time to spend with them but when I catch them their pretty good. Today I let them out and decided to let my new roosters out to roam around, I had to leave for a couple of hours and when I got home the one too was missing!
Well I thought the worst my heart sunk,thought iwas going hunting again.
But good news he appeared from no where so I got to work on the Karl cam security system the new state of the art system made from the finest scrap in the pile! LOL I'll put up some pictures tomorrow!
No Debby, I don't have a lot of time to spend with them but when I catch them their pretty good. Today I let them out and decided to let my new roosters out to roam around, I had to leave for a couple of hours and when I got home the one too was missing!
Well I thought the worst my heart sunk,thought iwas going hunting again.
But good news he appeared from no where so I got to work on the Karl cam security system the new state of the art system made from the finest scrap in the pile! LOL I'll put up some pictures tomorrow!

glad you found your new roo! that's always a heart attack situation when you look and can't find....arghh! Can't wait to see your new security system! :)

check out the feet on Goldie - the silver chipmunk in the pic below - def a double whammy on the foot feathers.

and this little Love on the left... looks like a Henry offspring!
The two roos I got a couple weeks ago are about 5 months old, I'm not sure the one has ever seen a roost, he always lays on the ground he has no feathers on his chest.
Is there anything I can do besides give him a roost?

I call them The King( because he is) and Tommy Two Toes!( because he has only two full Toes on his left foot)
Those are some good looking peeps cheeka, very cute. Seems like a lifetime ago when mine were that small.

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