Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

MC, you have my ear and my sympathy. And Duckling is a darling! Love the pictures and stories.

Cheeka, glad you are only a tad concerned. I would be a nervous wreck!
I think it all will go very well for you. In a few months you be walking pain free and the scary part will be a distant memory. I will be thinking of you!

Next chance you get, send a howdy and best wishes over to OK from me. Is Roger still causing trouble?
As bedtime draws near, Cheeka, please know we're all praying for you. But we also know you're going to be fine. You're not gonna have a stroke. Though the breaststroke might be part of your physical therapy later!
Umm... Okay leaving the thought I just had alone! :-D
Sleep well tonight, and stay calm. (((Hugs)))
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@cheeka All will be fine with your surgery. Think of part of it as a medically supervised high.
Please let us know how things go as soon as you are up to it. I wish I lived closer to you so that I could help.
MC...Duckling is adorable. She will always remember and cherish you.
We just finished remodeling the master bathroom. ( holy cow. you should see what auto correct tried to spell with master bath as one word
) I took my first shower in our beautiful marble walk in shower..... I wait for the water to get toasty warm..... waiting.... waiting..... oh no. No freaking hot water is coming out. Just tepid water. Definitely not warm enough to shower in. DH is not going to be happy.
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Lol! Her taking the initiative just really impresses me! It is one less thing for her to whine about.

she's going to enjoy independence... she's just gotten a taste. oh there will be things they refuse to be responsible for that they are certainly old enough for and capable of...but kids love to be able to stretch their boundaries!

thanks @Scrambles55 ! yep, I'm good, up to eat supper and get back to elevating the leg. I feel good. I left the hospital on pain meds... but needed one about an hour after I got home. none since. but I'm sure to need one to get a good night sleep. Chester could smell me and the hospital instantly and enforced a "gentle!" rule with both Pugs. he's amazing. I hardly said a word and I've not had a problem all day!

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