Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I personally really like Bernie but not sure he'd stand a chance. I too strongly dislike Hillary. Not only does she lie but there's also the email thing (I haven't read anything about it though so don't really know what happened and used to think people should drop it but from what I've recently heard it's a criminal charge or offence and shouldn't be allowed to run) and also did you hear Bill was outside several voting locations on the Massachusetts primary? Even went inside one. It's highly illegal. You have to stay 150 feet away. There's a petition to have him arrested. Not sure if that's the answer but you know if anyone else did it they would be. I didn't sign but dad and brother did. They just do not play fair and I hate it. Absolutely hate Cruz plus he was born in Canada so don't even know how that's allowed. Kasich seems like one of the only sane ones on that side. I liked O'Malley on the Democratic side too but he dropped out. I've been voting Bernie though, hoping it makes a difference and that he stands a chance. Other than that though I don't really care one way or another and usually hate politics so wont really say more LOL although i too am independent. I like to vote for who i like hah
I'm from Britain but I have been following the elections with avid interest. I've seen every debate. The majority of people over here are on the same page when it comes to who we would want to be elected, or rather who we don't want to be elected! But this is BYC, so I won't get into that but feel free to PM me.

MC, if you want to know about policy, the BBC has two great articles where they compare the candidates' policies :
For democrats

For republicans :
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If I went to the mall, and I smiled and old man trying to wrangle his young grandson, it would improve his day. He would then have more patience not only with his grandchild, but with the clerk at the store they went into next. That would improve her day, and she would improve the next customers day, and the customer would improve ... All with a smile I gave. So every decision that is made will affect someone else. And eventually the effects of my smile does go overseas.
I am powerful!!!!! :lau
we all possess the Butterfly Effect. it depends upon whether we choose to be positive or negative in how we effect others. I try my best to be positive, smile, do the polite thing and then say "my pleasure"... I've been caught by some of the most radiant, contagious smiles too... made my whole day. hitting peri-menopause stage now and I find that it's getting a bit difficult at times to concentrate on the positive when I frankly don't give a rat's tushy...

You're powerful, MC! Just not all powerful, especially when up against the almighty hormone, or lack thereof. I feel for you Cheeka! A year ahead of you too, and sleepus interruptus has been the worst problem.
Oh, yeay. I am dealing with cramps as it is, and you two are threatening menopause!
I think I feel bad for Ron for having to read this (and OK, but he abandoned us, and deserves it) but he is male, so he deserves it! (too)
Oh, yeay. I am dealing with cramps as it is, and you two are threatening menopause!
I think I feel bad for Ron for having to read this (and OK, but he abandoned us, and deserves it) but he is male, so he deserves it! (too)

I have three daughters so I know about this stuff--and a wife in the menopausal state of things....

Keep working on that butterfly effect!

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