Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Went to check out the new Trader Joe's. I think it's okay. Didn't really see much of it.
I don't have Internet, other than using my cell phone. I hate using my cell data so I will not be on much until Sunday when my internet is (hopefully) fixed.
tsk tsk, you need unlimited!

The babies have discovered the nest box. They piled in there today and spent a lot of the cold, rainy day in there. NOPE. I shooed them out. I thought they would bed down in there for the night too, but surprisingly they did not. I knew it was bound to happen but last time I was able to prevent it by simply blocking off the nest. This time I can't exactly do that because of the grannies and their need to like...lay eggs lol. We'll figure something out.
hey all... we have had such torrential rain today that all the snow is gone. until about a half hour from now anyway... we're due to collect another 3" overnight and like at MC's, snow all weekend. I did a lot this afternoon, including slipping in my driveway. bad news. I broke my camera. the lens is jammed, I think it will be a fairly easy fix, bringing it to the big city tomorrow with my fingers and toes crossed!
2 weeks til hatch day! these are from yesterday...

At first I thought you hurt your knee.
Then yay!, it was only your camera.
Then oh no, aw, not your camera!

Hope it's an easy fix!
Beautiful pics as usual!
Went to check out the new Trader Joe's. I think it's okay. Didn't really see much of it.
I don't have Internet, other than using my cell phone. I hate using my cell data so I will not be on much until Sunday when my internet is (hopefully) fixed.

Take some time to explore when you get a chance. TJs has some great things that I go there just to get. Generally very high quality and fair or low prices. Maple syrup, cooking oils, breads, pasta, nuts, some of the cheeses and lunch meats are what bring me to the store. The frozen section has some good stuff. Most of their items are healthier than a typical grocery if you look at the ingredients. I usually go once a week. They have really good chocolate!

Hope your internet gets fixed soon!
tsk tsk, you need unlimited!

The babies have discovered the nest box. They piled in there today and spent a lot of the cold, rainy day in there. NOPE. I shooed them out. I thought they would bed down in there for the night too, but surprisingly they did not. I knew it was bound to happen but last time I was able to prevent it by simply blocking off the nest. This time I can't exactly do that because of the grannies and their need to like...lay eggs lol. We'll figure something out.

I think new chicks have the example of what to do from the older girls. Nothing like a good role model to keep one on the straight and narrow and out of the nest boxes. hopefully
I guess we'll see. I wish it would stop getting so darn cold at night so I could get rid of a couple of these chicks. Still struggling as to when to lose the couple of grannies we're getting rid of. These chickens are eating me out of house and home lol.
Great. One of my hens went broody. Every day I move her off the nest and she just gets back on. It was fine when it was just her, but now another hen is broody! :barnie

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