Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

More legal. I am scared out of my mind, and I really don't want to do this for many reasons. However, it is being sure that I find the right lawyer that I most worried about. Last two I contacted were certainly not going to do me any favors! They seemed more interested in representing my husband's side!
More legal. I am scared out of my mind, and I really don't want to do this for many reasons. However, it is being sure that I find the right lawyer that I most worried about. Last two I contacted were certainly not going to do me any favors! They seemed more interested in representing my husband's side!

Afraid I don't have any advice about this, except to keep doing what you're doing and go with your gut. If they don't have the right vibe, keep looking. Is he going to fight it? be difficult?
We all whine sometimes. It's nice to have a safe place to whine. Speaking of whining. Here are the babies. Not a great pic, sorry.

In the back is Titan, she has a very nice beard and muffs. Below her facing away is the dumb blonde, Phoebe. The mostly grey one is Myth. She has some cool coloring that doesn't show in this picture. Titan and Phoebe are very typical EE types.
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my blue ee's were definitely chipmunks, just with silvery blue fuzz poking all over. the rest all might have looked similar, but they didn't stay that way. I have a lot of black and whites, a lot of reds, a few browns... and one that I lost last year to a fox, Stella, looked a lot like Blu, but she laid a pink egg... Blu lays khaki/olive, Isis lays a jumbo blue egg... that's it for my blue feathered ee's... I didn't have the best success with hatching my own large fowl eggs this Spring, a lot of duds... but all were fertilized. I only have 1 large fowl broody, but she prefers to brood on an empty nest. give her eggs and she moves.
We all whine sometimes. It's nice to have a safe place to whine. Speaking of whining. Here are the babies. Not a great pic, sorry.

In the back is Titan, she has a very nice beard and muffs. Below her facing away is the dumb blonde, Phoebe. The mostly grey one is Myth. She has some cool coloring that doesn't show in this picture. Titan and Phoebe are very typical EE types.
I am hoping for a color like Myth. preeeetty ! My laying mob has no grey/blue at all and it would be a nice addition. The 3rd chick I got is a blue Wyandotte, so got it covered no matter how the EEs turn out. How old are your babies? Waiting on them eggs?
my blue ee's were definitely chipmunks, just with silvery blue fuzz poking all over. the rest all might have looked similar, but they didn't stay that way. I have a lot of black and whites, a lot of reds, a few browns... and one that I lost last year to a fox, Stella, looked a lot like Blu, but she laid a pink egg... Blu lays khaki/olive, Isis lays a jumbo blue egg... that's it for my blue feathered ee's... I didn't have the best success with hatching my own large fowl eggs this Spring, a lot of duds... but all were fertilized. I only have 1 large fowl broody, but she prefers to brood on an empty nest. give her eggs and she moves.
My EE lays kind of greyish green. More green than grey. (or gray... I like it the brit way with an E) My 2 Ameraucanas lay turquoise, at least they did at the beginning of the year. One is now laying such a pale color it looks white. Never had that happen to this degree. I hope there is nothing wrong with her. The blue pigment for the shell is made in the liver.
MC - Stay strong and trust yourself! You're not whining!

Interesting chicken happenings here...

I have a chicken (my favorite) with a prolapsed vent. I've fixed it twice now and will have to come up with a diaper if it doesn't stay this last time. I've separated her so she doesn't get picked on but she is still with the crowd.

One of my girls from MPC is not a girl.. With all the chickens I've gotten from them this is the first screw up. And it's with a sweedish flower hen (well rooster) so I guess it could be worse. At least I have a cool rooster. The only problem is now I'll be a 3 roosters (35+ chickens) and I'm not sure I want that many. My other 2 roosters get along just fine and they're very nice so I'm not concerned about that. I guess I'll see if this one grows up to be nice too. If not that'll make the decision on what to do easier.

This is what I found this morning. And no she doesn't need to use the coop to get up there. She was an idiot and flew off the wrong side into our orchard/dog field and not the chicken yard (thankfully the dogs weren't out there and thankfully she didn't jump off into the neighbors yard)...anyway when she was in that field there is no way to get back up besides flying from the ground and she managed to do it. Flew up the almost 8 feet to get back up there. Stinker!

My duck is still sitting on her eggs. I've never done ducks before so I don't really know what I'm doing. Is this normal???? When she got off the nest I went to check on the eggs and they were under a layer of straw. So she wasn't laying directly on the eggs. They aren't due to hatch until next week and I haven't actually candled any of them (she doesn't spend much time off the nest and I don't want to piss her off. It has been quite warm here (mid 80s) so I was wondering if she wasn't actually coming into contact with the egg as a way to not incubate them too much. Oh well... I guess I'll wait and see. I'm under the impression of let nature take it's course. If she screws it up she can live with the mom guilt...

Here's an updated bunny picture!


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