Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

yes, Cochin x EE, small, but quite fluffy and plump starting at a fairly young age. she's not even a year old and she's quite full figured already.
she has a Cochin mother, EE father... the one's who are Henry the Cochin's daughter's also had the same Cochin mother and oh boy are they cute! twin buff fluffnesses... they will lay cream colored eggs. I've been getting some really tiny ones so I do figure they've also begun laying.
the EE has to be Harris's daughter. he came from one of Peach's last eggs and Red is his Dad... Harris only has one copy of the blue egg gene, but he's pretty reliable for delivering them! he's 3 for 3 that I'm certain are his...
Cheeka, the 2 EE chicks I picked were an attempt to get similar coloring to your avatar. I was looking for what might be blue and gold. In doing so, I really annoyed the guy at the feed store, but I wasn't too worried because he's the only one there that is a little rude, so I was particularly annoying without the guilt.
So far, wing feathers are looking pretty promising! For both. We are taking weekly pictures to document progress. Have to get pics downloaded tonight.

Here are their baby pics. The top one is getting darker gold and silver blue. Bottom one is lighter buff and lavender. So far. Time will tell.

Do you remember what color chick produced your beautifully feathered girl?
Good luck W4W getting the color you want.

That's the one thing I love about EE is the surprise in what they look like.

I have the cutest bantam EE that is grey and white. I've never seen a color like it. I'll get a picture when I get home.


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