Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

it poured all day yesterday, seriously, storm right over our heads for hours, thunder cracks and big lightning... knocked out the satellite signals... so we watched a lot of movies on DVD and took long naps. I cooked a huge supper because the humidity broke and it was worth running the stove - then Wrangler wanted cereal with strawberries... fine, more for me and Oma... and we have leftovers for snacking on...

we let the flock out at about 9 this morning, expecting thunderstorms at 3:15, so we'll make a Pie to get them in

she's "stealing" food from Brutus's pen to feed everyone...

Brutus is a little jealous... he got her attention tho, and kept it. he's such a charmer

the Lilies of the Valley are for her Grammy, who will be visiting with her tomorrow afternoon... I know that they are poisonous, the chickens don't bother with them and Wrangler knows not to eat them too.... lol

Where did you find this awesomely sweet man and can you send him here?  My garden is a mess.  :)

I found him in one of the threads actually. He lives a bit far to get to you. Sorry!
He processed Sheryl Crow for me yesterday ( and he ate all of her for breakfast). She has been picked on for about two months now, and managed to break her leg yesterday. She also had a torn comb and was being pecked badly.
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Brutus is a sly dog!

Poor Sheryl Crow. Good there was someone to help put her out of her misery.
sorry to hear about Sheryl... I'm off to work, triple load because of the Monday holiday. Wrangler is out with the birds, we let them out early, it's beautiful... and she has afternoon plans with family, so it will be easy to get them in around 4 if they've been out all day.
Hey guys!

I'm just over here building up my tolerance to bee venom to impressive levels!

I'll go now since typing is hard with fewer fingers than I normally have. Pip pip cheerio!

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