Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Oh dear. Mice are stinky dead or alive, but especially dead.
One spring, long time ago, we had mice invade our kitchen. Smelled them before we ever saw one, and that one dove for cover down under a stove burner. We eventually got rid of them, but couldn't get rid of the stink where they had burrowed through the insulation between the oven and stove top. We had to buy a new stove!
Oh dear. Mice are stinky dead or alive, but especially dead.
One spring, long time ago, we had mice invade our kitchen. Smelled them before we ever saw one, and that one dove for cover down under a stove burner. We eventually got rid of them, but couldn't get rid of the stink where they had burrowed through the insulation between the oven and stove top. We had to buy a new stove!
I know!

I hope I can get the nest cleaned out
Yikes! That sounds pretty yucky.

I went out and caught up my 2 ameraucanas and I am reasonably sure one of them is a boy and one is a girl. I've thought that for weeks but I have got to start dialing the number of chickens I have back, and someone is interested in taking him. If I can catch him again tonight, they'll come get him tonight. One down...
Yikes! That sounds pretty yucky.

I went out and caught up my 2 ameraucanas and I am reasonably sure one of them is a boy and one is a girl. I've thought that for weeks but I have got to start dialing the number of chickens I have back, and someone is interested in taking him. If I can catch him again tonight, they'll come get him tonight. One down...
That is good news!
Ron, are you getting a lot of rain? It's been steadily heavy here since last night and pouring early this morning woke me up.
Yes! A co worker had to go 30 on 80 for Sacramento to Davis about an hour ago. The atmospheric river is moving over us this time

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