Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

Janet, how are your parents doing? Any decisions made?

I think it would be harder to do in a bunny than a chicken. It's a test I don't want to take!

They are OK, thanks for asking! We see Dads surgeon for the less evasive surgery on Monday.
If he doesn't have blockages he can have it done, no open heart!
We are not using that transport service for Mom, it did not go well.
Oldest DD and I are working out taking and picking her up.
Hoping they can get this done before winter, so he can recover over the winter months.

processing, ugh. Its all hard to do, and upsets me. Bacon my hog was hard!
I cried, made me
upset me so much. But I will do it again.
If it wasn't for my parents I probably wouldn't continue to do it.
And DH, he will not eat any vegetables aside from french fries and ketchup/spaghetti/pizza sauce

And he has normal BP, no cholesterol, go figure?
Moms doctor has been very pleased how much the lean meat diet is helping her.
(She is big on eating and loves meat, her last blood work shows her protein needs increased too.)
Funny how your body will crave what you lack in your diet.
And its me too I guess, I love fresh foods of all kinds. Used to hunt a lot, rabbit, squirrel, deer.
Never been good at gardening but am studying up on it now too.
That's good news about the less invasive surgery for your dad. I'm convinced all that cholesterol and bp issues are genetic. Your dad was born to be a carnivore! Rabbit is pretty low fat.

How far is the drive for your mom? Dialysis, right? Is it every other day? That's a big chore. Dealing with either health issue individually would be a huge job, but to have both parents needing attention at the same time..... your brain must be in a whirl.

I saw a silly mug for sale on eBay today (for way too much money) and it made me think of you. It said Don't count your chickens before you stop and think to yourself, "Do I even own any chickens?" Think it was meant for you!
That's good news about the less invasive surgery for your dad. I'm convinced all that cholesterol and bp issues are genetic. Your dad was born to be a carnivore! Rabbit is pretty low fat.

How far is the drive for your mom? Dialysis, right? Is it every other day? That's a big chore. Dealing with either health issue individually would be a huge job, but to have both parents needing attention at the same time..... your brain must be in a whirl.

I saw a silly mug for sale on eBay today (for way too much money) and it made me think of you. It said Don't count your chickens before you stop and think to yourself, "Do I even own any chickens?" Think it was meant for you!
its about 52 miles round trip 3x a week. It can get a bit overwhelming at times, but I have chickens

Mama goose WeeWee always makes me feel better. she always wants a nuzzle, and just makes my day better

You aren't kidding, can't believe I forgot my peachicks!
wait do i have peafowl
Well, I just had an odd morning down at the coop! I usually put the feed out before I let the chickens out since I have started fermenting my feed. (I feed and water outside only at the moment) Anyway....I went ahead and let everyone out and I fed the 3 BCM chicks that I still have seperated. I was walking across the run to pick up the feed pans, and one of the little cochin pullet chicks flew up toward my legs and I ended up catching her in mid air. I got the feed pans and carried her with me as I filled them up. She just sat in my hand trilling away, and got to eat as I was filling the pans without having to fight with everyone! I usually have to corner them to catch them, so this was a big surprise! I hope she calms down like Clarabelle!
Well, I just had an odd morning down at the coop! I usually put the feed out before I let the chickens out since I have started fermenting my feed. (I feed and water outside only at the moment) Anyway....I went ahead and let everyone out and I fed the 3 BCM chicks that I still have seperated. I was walking across the run to pick up the feed pans, and one of the little cochin pullet chicks flew up toward my legs and I ended up catching her in mid air. I got the feed pans and carried her with me as I filled them up. She just sat in my hand trilling away, and got to eat as I was filling the pans without having to fight with everyone! I usually have to corner them to catch them, so this was a big surprise! I hope she calms down like Clarabelle!

Aaaahw. That is a smart girl. She knows who butters her bread!

I found my pullets got much less flighty the closer they got to laying. Although some still won't get near while some are always underfoot. Haven't heard a story yet about a bad cochin. They are on my list.
Aaaahw. That is a smart girl. She knows who butters her bread!

I found my pullets got much less flighty the closer they got to laying. Although some still won't get near while some are always underfoot. Haven't heard a story yet about a bad cochin. They are on my list.

I love my bantam cochins! This girl is only 9 1/2 weeks old. Most of mine are always underfoot, or at least in line behind me! I will try to have my husband get a video of them following me around this weekend!

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