Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

I let them out this evening and it wasn't in the coop when I went to close the gate.
Better let them get a little bigger before you let them out unsupervised. A small chicken is easy pickin for any predator. Hope you find it
So wanting to reward them I fixed them a meal
They did their part and that was the deal
Sevens not perfect but not a bad day
With their bellies full they called it a day
To stuffed to make it up on the roost
Like a good dad I gave each a boost
I locked them in, it was now getting late
Knowing tomorrow they would lay eight
As I dozed off to sleep and started to dream
I woke up startled from a chickens scream
Running half naked I knew it was bad
I had to get there, they needed their dad
With gun in hand I threw open the door
And found the poop board had crashed to the floor

Seven.......Today we did seven

well done! and as usual, has inspired the following for you;

The noises you hear, the squeaks, skwauks and growls,
the scratches, the screeches and oh yes! the howls!
The bumps and the bangs, the sounds of the night
are always so ominous, and give such a fright!

It sends shivers of terror ~ a spine full of fear!
Get your feet up and running ~ will you make it? Oh Dear!
You know in your heart, your head's full of dread,
The noise is so loud, they all must be dead.

Swing open the gate and sprint to the coop,
and what did you find, but the board used for poop!
It came down with a CRASH! a BOOM and a ROAR!
you slump with relief, your back to the door.

The kids are all staring, Dad is upset!
to do it again, they'd all make a bet,
they'll figure a way... to make lots of roars!
Just to see Dad, wearing only his drawers...!

So I went back to bed its still the middle of the night
When another scream woke me at the dawns early light
Not alarmed this time, I heard this before
My chicken turned peacock wanting out the door
Trying to fall back to sleep well no such luck
I next got presented with a warning cluck
That one was Roger I know him so well
He saying feed breakfast or there will be hell
Next comes the egg songs real loud and clear
Fake of course but they know I can hear.
OK....YOU WIN..I'm outta bed
When I get to the coop you will all be dead
Nothing will save you but first have a treat.
Awww..look you laid eggs your all so sweet

SEVEN.....Today we laid seven
that search tool is nice... never used it before. these were my favorites, and W4W's Nub Tooth... which I should have quoted... nuts!
do you still call the others Carl, Chuck and John? and come to think of it... do the GC's and the new chicks besides Little Roger have names?
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You forgot to mention her love affair with pie. The things she does to get it....her love for it.
I am about to head for bed. Still up in the air about the incubator. I wish I had someone close with a broody. I still want to see a mama out walking with her little chicks one day.

Al, hope you find the lil one.

Justlil welcome to the group. Enjoy the read one night when you can't sleep, but you might as well jump right in. How many chickens do you have? Breed? Are you waiting for eggs?

Lol reading the poems always makes me think you guys should do a little chicken poem book. "Rogers bedtime tales for chickens"

Haha! Well if it makes ya feel any better, I am NOT a hoarder. My kids say I throw too much away. I'm sure there will come a day when this egg has mold on it, or the whole thing is dusty and forgotten in a corner, and I'll toss it out!

Then again, I do still have that 50 year old orange that my grandmother and I have been passing back and forth for christmas for 35 years! (long story)

I got the lantern at Hobby Lobby for half price the other day. I couldnt resist!


I think it is lovely that you did that with your egg. I don't think it would have even crossed my mind to do something like that. Maybe I'll think of something cool to do.

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