Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

MalMom, if that pullet happens to be a BR, admit defeat... and name her Roger III!
actually, pullets are known to sing in celebration of another hens egg, or to fake us out because their hormones are changing and even they don't know what's happening. She'll lay again soon, new layers are often irregular, as long as she's running around, eating and drinking... just keep hanging in there...

Nice Eggs RR! Congrats on the new layers. I've only collected 7 so far, that might be it for the day. it's been really windy, but sunny... and all is quiet in the dome... evening preening has begun.
I am convinced it has NOTHING to do with hormones or being a new layer. She just likes to see how long she has to make a racket before I come outside. I think a name change might be in order.
bummer MalMom...

7 Eggs is it for today. Blu only laid one egg this week, but boy does she have some nice new feathers!

I've named the Silkie chick Sillie, for W4W is quite right... it is a good name for her, at least until I find out if she's a he... the only unnamed are the 4 bantam Marans. I've kept the banty boys names as they were... Max and Tommy are the Cochins/d'Uccles, and Rhody and Red are the 2 RIR's. Red will eventually be renamed, something strong... big sounding, cuz that's what he thinks he is... too bad for him that he can't reach further than the tops of the LF girls wings... bitty thing.

I cleaned up the Broody Pen today, will move it tomorrow to a nice fresh grassy spot. they've pretty much decimated the spot it's in. same for the banty boy pen. I didn't make the switch with those birds yet, but I will tomorrow after the pens are relocated.

Mylee and Oma are settled in at a hotel, but Oma doesn't know where they are! not even what state. Mylee's being good, Oma is just pooped out from driving. she'll find out later and let me know. They are on course with the GPS, so I'm not worried.
6 eggs and my hubby just told me "a black chicken was sitting in the nest box tonight".... Could my broody wishes come true? Of course they might , since I ordered the incubator. Anyone have a chart relating to feathers and their differences?

Hope all had a nice Saturday . I hope Oma and mylee arrive safe tomorrow. It's rough driving alone with kids.

Ok, did you hand over the eggs already?
6 eggs and my hubby just told me "a black chicken was sitting in the nest box tonight".... Could my broody wishes come true? Of course they might , since I ordered the incubator. Anyone have a chart relating to feathers and their differences?

Hope all had a nice Saturday . I hope Oma and mylee arrive safe tomorrow. It's rough driving alone with kids.

Ok, did you hand over the eggs already?
Yes eggs are set. Road kill broody and I are due Sept 1. She has eight and I have four.
A chicken roosting in a nest box is how it all starts. Pretty good sign. Hope so if a broody is what you want. Leave the eggs under her. You probably already know that.
I need to get a picture of the poor broody BR. She looks like a scrambled road kill spread out on that nest box. Her back is bare and she is missing feathers on top her head. She flattens out like a broody does and I swear she looks like cars have been running over her. Thus the name " Road Kill Broody".
OK, Little RK Broody will do well regrowing her feathers over the next 2 months while she sits and then rears without anyone pestering her. Peach looked dreadful when she turned broody in February... by April she was looking great, just a few more feathers needed, now she's glorious. plus she had that huge injury with her slashed open back, which healed and refeathered too. I would love to see pictures of a nekkid spread out broody!

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