Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

congrats for the speckled egg SBMom!

and cograts for the yummy pickles MC, but sorry about the new roo, that's a bummer. like i mentioned in an earlier post... I think I have 2 more, which would bring me to 10 if I'm right...

it's going to rain today. it's super dark outside and it's quarter to eight... no mowing for us today... and the yard could really use it. oh well

I have no clue who laid it. But it's awesome looking!

Looks kind of like my welsummer egg. I haven't gotten one in so long...which reminds me I need to post a girls are getting new feathers , right now I see the pins and they don't want me to come near them. Congrats!

I'm making pretzels and rolls today for my food swap. I did a batch of mozzarella too. I've got two kinds of ziti that I made wi homemade sauce. I am going to make a butter chicken (Indian dish) next and some fresh mozzarella sticks ( I have them chilling in the freezer right now) . I am also going to take two dozen eggs with me to swap.
SBMom, it could be Marans... ACW wrote a while back that new layers will have inconsistencies in the coatings which will make them look different, the speckles could be an incomplete color layer...
it poured and poured... sluices and culverts were running hard and fast! staying put today, tomorrow through the weekend is supposed to be just perfect weather, and we have a huge fair this week, Mylee's first...we're going tomorrow and probably again and again once Mylee discovers all the animals and how cool these fairs are! fine by me... I love the fair, so, to take her and see it all through a 3 year old's eyes...priceless
SBMom, it could be Marans... ACW wrote a while back that new layers will have inconsistencies in the coatings which will make them look different, the speckles could be an incomplete color layer...
it poured and poured... sluices and culverts were running hard and fast! staying put today, tomorrow through the weekend is supposed to be just perfect weather, and we have a huge fair this week, Mylee's first...we're going tomorrow and probably again and again once Mylee discovers all the animals and how cool these fairs are! fine by me... I love the fair, so, to take her and see it all through a 3 year old's eyes...priceless

The maran I have isn't a new layer, but is in molt and hasn't laid since I bought her. *shrugs* there is no telling!
gorgeous blues SBMom!

Mylee said "I"m good at taking pictures, can I try?" so I handed over the camera and showed her which button to push. 124 pictures later, I got the camera back. she is very thorough - I have pictures of chicken poop. here is a sample of the best

A Self Portrait of the Artist... so serious


I had another perfect day. Three chickens, three eggs. Peep taught Nibbles to lay her egg on the patio and not in the coop. Not happy about that, as Nibbles WAS laying in the coop.
Also today Peep's egg had a small whole in the shell, but not the egg itself. I didn't know if it would still be safe to eat, so I scrambled it up and gave it to the girls. They LOVED it! I feel a little weird about feeding chickens and egg, especially the chicken that laid it. But I figure it isn't fertilized, and that's what they eat when they are baby anyway... Right?
SBMom, those eggs are gorgeous. Usually the blue doesn't show up so well in the pictures, so those must be quite brilliant.

Cheeka, love Mylee's photo album, especially the pic showing the rooster quarters taken from Mylee height. Gives a good view of your set up. The best pic is the self portrait ala Kilroy.

Our donkeys used to love eating those type of thistles. Are they still called sticker-bushes back east? When I first moved to Calif, none of the kids knew what I was talking about when I said sticker-bushes. Had to learn to call them blackberries and thistles.

7 eggs today and one that got broken on the nest. Have started D3 supplements for Freckle, the gold sexlink, who has been laying very thin shelled eggs for some time now, and got an egg from her yesterday that I was lucky enough to find before anyone had time to crush it in the nest... very fragile shell. The BO seems to have stopped laying entirely. I picked her up today and she's a tank, so the extra weight makes me think she's laying internally.
Nothing we can do for her, so just gonna let her live out her life for as long as she goes.

School starts on Thursday. Mustacheio met all of his teachers today and figured out how to get his locker open. He's got some excellent teachers and looks like it will be a great year for him.

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