Should I buy eggs or wait it out?

oh yeah, I didn't touch on the non-uniformed postal carrier... MC, you mentioned you're originally from a city... city carriers wear uniforms. most of them drive USPS owned vehicles. or they walk, some do both, park and loop type, part walking part driving... Rural carriers usually drive POV's (personally owned vehicles) and we do not wear uniforms. we have access to postal casual wear items, but aren't required to wear it. I haven't heard of any routes in the North East US that don't deliver 6 days a week. the mail volume is picking up now that the holidays are approaching, so if you normally get mail everyday, you should still be getting mail... perhaps you should raise a few questions with the PM... In parts of Montana, Wyoming and such seriously vast rural states, there are areas that only get mail 3x a week, but the carrier will travel another huge area the other 3 days... not like their just not working...

I also forgot to mention I got 2 eggs. 1 from Peach and 1 from one of the 1 year old girls, green...(they'll be 1 on 12/2)
Some of the girls.... Still no eggs but up to post #1421... So maybe an egg by the time I am done... ( hope this upload of a photo works, trying to get one off my phone onto here. Never done it before so hope it works) if not need help...
I think they were saying, "thanks for the treats. when are more coming?" Here is one more since it worked... Yeah!
Blue and his ladies!

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DH left last night after almost a week home. I think I will keep the chickens and the loneliness! He was home for a few hours, and I wanted him gone!
No way can I handle going back on the road with him! I was close to killing him yesterday morning.

So! Bring on the more chickens!! Woo hoo! maybe a horse or twelve .... Ha ha! J/K. I only have an acre and a half.
My mailman only delivers my mail like 3 days a week now. The post office doesn't care. The other employees are just as bad. When did it become okay to deliver mail in street clothes? My guy never leaves his (piece of junk!) car, but I saw one walking the residential area with jeans and a T-shirt. I don't get it.
Anyway! Hope everyone is well! Everyone still getting at least a few eggs daily? My 30 layers are down to 8/day.

Get yourself a car, MC, and enjoy your life with chickens and maybe some horses. Don't allow the forced dependency; you don't need that.

Unfortunately we can't all have Cheeka deliver our mail.
Our rural carrier drives an official right hand drive delivery truck and wears a uniform. Could be that part of the route is in the city limits.
MC, I'm with W4W - get some wheels! there are rural carriers who drive USPS vehicles... mostly in flat land areas, they do have 4-wheel drive trucks too, but not as many, the regular one's are cool, but they don't do well on big hills, they turn on a dime which is great unless you're not wanting to turn... they flip on the hills, I would love to have one, but I don't want to die in one... and I'm glad I don't have to wear a uniform! on the Express Route, I have to wear a hat.
Enjoying the beautiful earlobe and chicken pics. Thanks Cheeka and Vindi! I have not taken the time to mess with the camera and the new computer.

Got a 4-H meeting tonight (I'm the rabbit leader now as well as the poultry leader) and hubs gets back from China tonight. Woohoo! He had a layover in Taiwan, departed at 11:30pm Mon and arrives in San Francisco at 6:30pm Mon. Haha! He arrives 5 hours younger than he was!

We are FINALLY due to get some rain starting tonight. It's been a long wait. The trees are thirsty!

Got 3 large and 1 Serama egg today. 2 other hens just started molting all of a sudden- another feather explosion in the coop. I guess It's good that they are staggering the molts, so we get a few eggs at least.

Hi JesNflock!
What is your chicken situation? Getting any eggs?
Some of the girls.... Still no eggs but up to post #1421... So maybe an egg by the time I am done... ( hope this upload of a photo works, trying to get one off my phone onto here. Never done it before so hope it works) if not need help...

Pic looks good.
Sorry no eggs.
That seems to be a thing recently. IDK whether it's something that happens every year, but I've read about a lot of ppl not getting eggs out of new pullets until they're WAY older than laying age is supposed to be and "good laying hens" just stopping out of nowhere.
I'm having the same problem; 2 days in a row, no eggs, nine hens.
Shew, sorry guys I've been MIA over the weekend! Lots going on here though! We had an accidental integration this weekend because the younger BCM chicks flew their coop as I was feeding on Saturday morning... I wasn't up for chasing them, so I just left them out and let everyone else out as well! They ran from everyone and I had to keep everyone away from the feed so they could eat, but they did ok! They even went into the big coop at night so there we go! They still get picked on a little bit, but I saw one of the older BCM chicks of Clarabelle's standing up for them at the food bowl earlier today! Since they are in the big coop I decided to put Rogue into the small coop for a few days to see if his leg will get better with rest. If not I may have to cull him because of it. I knew he was going to be culled, but I was hoping that it would be after the BCM boys were old enough to watch over the girls! I am also waiting on someone to help... Hubby doesn't want to, but he may be drafted!
Sunday was my son's 6th birthday... So I spent the day baking and decorating a cake. Then we had a small party for him! It is crazy at how fast they grow up!

Enjoying the beautiful earlobe and chicken pics. Thanks Cheeka and Vindi! I have not taken the time to mess with the camera and the new computer.

Got a 4-H meeting tonight (I'm the rabbit leader now as well as the poultry leader) and hubs gets back from China tonight. Woohoo! He had a layover in Taiwan, departed at 11:30pm Mon and arrives in San Francisco at 6:30pm Mon. Haha! He arrives 5 hours younger than he was!

We are FINALLY due to get some rain starting tonight. It's been a long wait. The trees are thirsty!

Got 3 large and 1 Serama egg today. 2 other hens just started molting all of a sudden- another feather explosion in the coop. I guess It's good that they are staggering the molts, so we get a few eggs at least.

Hi JesNflock!
What is your chicken situation? Getting any eggs?
Hi Wishing4Wings! I now have a total of 9 (I just got 3- 6week old Silkies YaY!) Most of my ladies(I hope lol) are all too young yet 4 of which are about 9weeks old(EE, BR, SLW, BA) My oldest, BSL, is right at 6months (I think...She was given to me third party and the only thing I was told was she is 4months old lol) Oh yeah, and I can't forget my wonderful RIR Roo! No eggs yet...
Still waiting...I continue to get excited when others are getting their eggs (Our day will come..) I will Definitely post as soon as I get one, no matter how tiny or deformed or whatever it may be. "Coal",my BSL, is not yet squatting so it may be a while yet...I just hope I don't have to wait til next year lol

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